As u can see whenever i try to weld the katana model to my hand it is not in the correct rotation
local char = script.Parent
local hrp = char:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
local rh = char:FindFirstChild("RightHand")
local w = Instance.new("Weld", hrp)
local humanoid = char:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid")
local RS = game.ReplicatedStorage
local SwordClone = RS.Handle:Clone()
w.Part0 = rh
SwordClone.Parent = rh
w.Part1 = SwordClone
SwordClone.Anchored = false

Not sure what I did wrong
is the sword going to be animated? Or is it just a tool.
if its going to be animatied, use a motor6D weld, and animate a equip animation for more go to this
How to animate Tool Parts (Guns, Knifes etc.)
If its a tool, just use plugin to change the cframe, and position and name it “Handle”
i plan on animating it (word count)
Sorry, I was editing my reply to have more information.
Hey just saying if you put lettets inbetween these <> they are not seeible and cout to the letter count but numbers dont work so ill use it here
Oh i see thanks, ill check this out right now
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