Problems with image updating

I’m currently creating an image that updates every time another text changes I. I get the error

11:08:36.396 - Image "" failed to load in "Players.TheDeadTed14.PlayerGui.Instructions.SpellShower.Image.Image": Request failed

Here is an example of my script:

while wait() do

if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Frame.Current.Text == "Lumos" then
	script.Parent.Image = ""


Any suggestion?

That occurs due to a failure in importing the image, try set the image as decal in a part before testing, so it’s already loaded and it shouldn’t fail. Also try write: Image.Image = “rbxassetid://4997400540” instead

Atleast no errors now but there isn’t any effect.

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Are you sure that the image exists? Check adding it to a part.

I did.

So the id is setted but the image isn’t showing right?

Yeah … …

So try again use that id but after that write wait()

Nope … still no effect …


Can you try pasting the link “” into a decal to get the appropriate rbxassetid:// link? Once you get that updated asset ID, use that for the Image ID.

I did …

Is the image moderated? That may be causing the issue.

You’re using an invalid asset. Use the id 4997400527. When using pictures in Roblox games, you require the image asset, not the decal. The image asset is what actually gets rendered in game (internal asset) while the decal asset is only used for asset information on the website.

Image: Lumos solem - Roblox

Is it just the id i schould use or the url?

The URL of course. Just change the id you’re using, that’s all. You can either continue to use the current link with the numbers I supplied above or use the ContentId shorthand.

Full asset link:
ContentId shorthand: rbxassetid://4997400527

Still no effect.


while wait() do
	if script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Frame.Current.Text == "Lumos" then
		script.Parent.Image = ""

The Image url change in propeties but not the image gui.

Oh, I got it to work :smiley: