Problems with roblox catalog apis

At all? like nothing else similar or ?? like just no?

I hope you understand this. The only way to get the content of a page is to visit it. How do you suppose it’s possible to get the content of something without literally getting the content? You can certainly host this somewhere (e.g., Google Cloud, Azure, AWS, a rented bare metal server) that isn’t your computer, so it isn’t you who is technically making the requests (I imagine Rolimon’s pays for a cloud service like this), but you obviously can’t check the content of a page without getting the page.

lol i do, but i just really wanna do it, and i wanna be sure, sorry for making u angry, i didn’t mean to, well thanks for the help, it was a really big support for me, thanks and sorry again

No, I’m always happy to help. I’m not angry at all - I’m just trying to explain it. Sorry if it came off that way. If you need anything else just let me know.

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