Where can we download this? The model still is v4.
Yeps, it is coming this September. It is shown on the picture too. If you missed it.
Stunning UI Design, but is that free resources?
Pretty good but there are some downsides:
- Resync takes quite a while, this problem could be solved by using the roblox ban api
- Not using Roblox’s ban api
- You cannot view a player’s full moderation history, only their most recent punishment.
- Having to hold on a tool and then drag it. Probably best to allow us to instantly drag.
Most of these will be fixed in V5 which is amazing, thank you for your hard work.
am i doing something wrong i keep getting this error im using roproxy
the webhook: https://api.roproxy.com/webhooks/My_WebhookId/My_WebhookToken
12:27:46.326 HTTP 530 - Server - webhook_handler:123
12:27:46.326 Stack Begin - Studio
12:27:46.326 Script 'ServerScriptService.exe_scripts.webhook_handler', Line 123 - Studio - webhook_handler:123
12:27:46.326 Stack End - Studio
Will. you be posting said post soon?
I really hope this releases soon because of how useful it is!
looks cool, tho most devs dont rlly want the provided admin modules made, for a more serious approach i’d use cmdr, anyway cool thing
Exe 5 will have a Global Announcement! (…this week?)
Looks good! Hopefully it has come further than V4!
There is no permission for V5* It won’t let people access the asset.
Exe 5 Post will be up shortly.
I love this sm- but ii’m not sure how I would really ever use it
Agreed, there are far more advanced panels out there, such as Nexus Dynamics V 2.0. And I really dont like how this panels set up works, I think it just confuses people so much.
Is it possible to have more than one group?
By far the best admin panel I’ve ever seen, it would be better if there’s more functions tho