Product: exe | Setting It Up!

Product: Exe’s Version 3.0 has arrived! :iphone:



Utility Section: :hammer_and_wrench:

How to setup Product: exe?

Setting up Product: exe is very easy! But you will have to take your time to configurate your custom commands, limit values.

Place the “exe_manager” to ServerScriptService:


Like this:


Add Permitted Players! :busts_in_silhouette:


View this folder and duplicate the “id” and change the value of it to the UserId of the desired player.

Customizing Accessibility:


In the attributes of the NumberValue, you can see the options that you can toggle.

canBan = If turned on, the player can Ban other players

canExecuteCC = If turned on, the player can execute Custom Commands

canGiveEffects = If turned on, the player can give out effects to other players

canGiveTools = If turned on, the player can give out tools to other players

canKick = If turned on, the player can kick other players

canLockServer = If turned on, the player can Lock / Unlock the server

canUnban = If turned on, the player can Unban banned players


That’s all! Adhere if you want to twist knobs and configure some things!

Configurations: :gear:

In the (exe_manager > exe_storage > configuration) you will find 9 values that can be configured.

announcement_character_limit = Server Announcement Characters Limit (Default: 100)

announcement_duration_limit = Server Announcement Duration Limit (Default: 10)

ban_reason_character_limit = Reason of Ban character limit (Default: 50)

jail_duration_limit = Jail Duration Limit (Default: 600)

kick_reason_charcter_limit = Reason of Kick character limit (Default: 50)

notify_player_character_limit = Notification Character Limit (Default: 50)

notify_player_duration_limit = Notification Duration Limit (Default: 50)

player_have_access_to_exe_panel_allowed_to_join_locked_servers = Determine if permitted players allowed to join even if the server is Locked

sparkles_when_teleporting_and_setting_visibility = Determine if players will emit sparkles when teleporting and setting visibility

Custom Commands: :technologist:

In the (exe_manager > exe_storage > custom_commands) you can add your commands right here! There are already 3 premades just to guide you!


To add a custom command;

  1. Add a folder to this location

  2. From the image above, you will need to add 5 things!

  • command_description (StringValue) - Description of the command
  • command_icon (StringValue) - Icon of the command
  • command_name (StringValue) - Name of the command
  • event (ObjectValue: BindableEvent, RemoteEvent, RemoteFunction) - Event of the command
  • set_procedure (Configuration) - In the attributes section, you can only toggle one procedure, and these are those;

plain_menu = No extra procedures, means only an execute button
player_menu = Player Selection will pull up to execute the command
input_menu = Textbox will show up to execute the command

You can only toggle one, if not may result to an error.

  1. Configure all of these values.

  2. Add an event object (BindableEvent, RemoteEvent, RemoteFunction) in the custom_command_events.

  3. Make sure your Event names are unique.

  4. Now, set the value of the event (ObjectValue) to the EventObject you just made. Like this;

  5. Now you can script the event! There’s already a ServerScript that you can edit to add your commands. You will only put it here if you are doing a ServerSided command.

You can add your own LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts if your command is ClientSided.

  1. After you scripted the command you are pretty much done! You can find your added commands in the Dashboard.

Clear Accessories Command - Player Required

Set Time to Night - Player Unrequired

Add Tools for the Tool Manager: :hammer_and_wrench:

In the (exe_manager > exe_storage > tools) you can your own tools! Please be aware that the TextureId of the tool is needed to display in the Tool Manager.

After you add your own tool, you’re done!

Add Effects to Effects Manager: :sparkles:

In the (exe_manager > exe_storage > effects) you can your own effects!

You need to add in the effect you’re adding a 2 String Attributes.

EffectIcon (string) = The icon of the effect

EffectName (string) = The name of the effect

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