Product: Lyxo | The Modern Loading Screen

:arrows_clockwise: Product: Lyxo - Modern UI Loading Screen :arrows_clockwise:

lyxo is pronounced as [ly - (lie) xo - (so)]

Depot Section :package:

lyxo Model :briefcase:
lyxo Resources :file_folder:

:mag_right: Previews :eyes:

Here’s how the Loading Screen would look!
You can go ahead and replace the Placeholder with your cool Game Icon!

The transition part where the Loading Screen starts to fade out and gradually show your game!

Here’s the full-length (10s) loading screen:

:books: Pros :page_facing_up:

  • The Loading Screen stays when the game is not loaded yet

  • You can customize how long the Loading Screen will be displayed and might extend if the client’s game isn’t loaded

  • CoreGuis are disabled when the Loading Screen starts and enable what you configured after the Loading Screen finishes

  • lyxo replaces the Roblox’s Loading Screen

  • Modern Sleek UI and cool Prismatic Transition

:billed_cap: Cons :triangular_flag_on_post:

  • Might not fit with Fun and Cartoony Themed Games

  • CoreGuis might fail to disable since it’s too early to do those operations (I used pcall and I delayed the disabling to lessen these kinds of situations)

  • Too many tweening operations on the main script

  • Limited customization on the UI

:iphone: Setup & Configuration :open_book:

Make sure this is the final parent of your lyxo copy.

So here’s what you can configure!

Once you get your hands on the model and finish setting it up;

· You can configure how long the Loading Screen lasts
· You can also configure what CoreGuis will show after the Loading process

You can use this post to report bugs and problems you have with lyxo.

Anyway, that’s all! Hope you like it!
Credits are optional!

Made with love, toast! :sparkling_heart:


Very nice looking! How did you do the cool white fading from the top effect?


it’s just an image, you can see it on the lyxo resources


yo this is so cool! keep up the good work! release more products!


Sleek! Will definitely be messing around with this in future projects. :cool:


This looks amazing and very cool animations, the animation very much reminds me of the iOS 17 namedrop animation lol. Anyway, amazing work!


i find it pretty cool that’s why I took an inspiration of it :tired_face::tired_face: (im actually shocked how you actually found that out)


lyxo is pretty cool, here is my version if anyone want:


It’s offsale :grimacing:

Ignore this spoiler.


fixed it

ignore this spoiler


I’m wayyyyy to much of a newbie to understand this code, i tried looking at it but its a jumbled mess to me. I know it sounds stupid, but can you tell me how this works or add a skip button for me? I want to make one as its kinda painful each test waiting for it to load and even if i just got rid of it for the time being I’d probably like one anyways. Thanks!

Also, the asset counter always goes up more than it should and the “max assets” keeps on changing. No errors, again, dont know what to do??

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could you show me a video of what happening for the max assets going up? Also i’ll make a update for skip button

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(the icon was temporary dont question it xd)


will be fixed on the next update, did you tested in your roblox and not roblox studio? I think that’s because roblox can’t allow us to access certain things


The flash near the ending gave me a sudden flashback to those old 2009 youtube video edits oddly enough.


do you mean if i tested in in roblox studio or the regular roblox game client? well in the video i tested it on rbx studio i havent tried in the actual game tho


could you? I don’t have bug with this personally so I cannot test

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I still get the same bug in regular roblox. Weird.

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Honestly, i dont mind too much my main problem is the skip button.

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One thing that could be good to have is lag simulation for the loading bar thing. When the player perceives lag, he will be a lot more inclined to wait as it gives the impression that it’s doing something

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