ProfileServiceDataStore API error. Request was dropped

Hello, I am using ProfileService and I have servers with roughly 60 players in each. Whenever I check the Server Console, it floods with these errors. I’ve tried to fix it but then whenever I do, people’s data just do not seem to save, but when it’s like this, it does save. But is there any way for it to still save but not spam the console as much?

Any help is appreciated!

Needs way more information such as implementation details if you want to get any help. The only thing that can be offered is surface-level information at a glance here and that requires assuming implementation details which you haven’t provided.

Dropped requests are representative of you running out of budget, and based on how much this message is flooding the console it looks like you’re calling a member of ProfileService that performs a DataStore request in a pipeline that runs frequently (e.g. either RunService, Touched event, etc).

This is something you’re going to need to dive into yourself or supply extensive details if you want help on the forum.

How so? It’s just the regular ProfileService that anyone can access themselves as it’s all over the internet. There is no need for me to provide anymore information about this. My idea is just that the AutoSave might be too much, but for 60 players, it shouldn’t be too bad?

Yes, you actually do need to supply way more information than “it doesn’t work”, that’s not helpful at all and leaves responders to guess and shoot in the dark about how you’re using ProfileService and how to identify how you may be using it wrong.

I use ProfileService in experiences as well so I know for a fact that this is not a common situation and has to do with the way you implemented it, but if you aren’t going to share implementation details, then it’s difficult to offer you help without wasting time trying to guess how you’re using it.

Well I am using PSManager to manage it and grab data, but all it does is just loads the player for me and saves the data when leaving and also makes it easier to get profile data, nothing special.

But I believe this is just because of ProfileServices AutoSaveEnabled, how many players do you have in your servers at a time? This only happens when there are about 60+ players.

if SETTINGS.AutoSaveEnabled then
		-- 1) Auto saving: --
		local auto_save_list_length = #AutoSaveList
		if auto_save_list_length > 0 then
			local auto_save_index_speed = SETTINGS.AutoSaveProfiles / auto_save_list_length
			local os_clock = os.clock()
			while os_clock - LastAutoSave > auto_save_index_speed do
				LastAutoSave = LastAutoSave + auto_save_index_speed
				local profile = AutoSaveList[AutoSaveIndex]
				if os_clock - profile._load_timestamp < SETTINGS.AutoSaveProfiles then
					-- This profile is freshly loaded - auto-saving immediately after loading will cause a warning in the log:
					profile = nil
					for i = 1, auto_save_list_length - 1 do
						-- Move auto save index to the right:
						AutoSaveIndex = AutoSaveIndex + 1
						if AutoSaveIndex > auto_save_list_length then
							AutoSaveIndex = 1
						profile = AutoSaveList[AutoSaveIndex]
						if os_clock - profile._load_timestamp >= SETTINGS.AutoSaveProfiles then
							profile = nil
				-- Move auto save index to the right:
				AutoSaveIndex = AutoSaveIndex + 1
				if AutoSaveIndex > auto_save_list_length then
					AutoSaveIndex = 1
				-- Perform save call:
				--print("[ProfileService]: Auto updating profile - profile_store_name = \"" .. profile._profile_store._profile_store_name .. "\"; profile_key = \"" .. profile._profile_key .. "\"")
				if profile ~= nil then
					coroutine.wrap(SaveProfileAsync)(profile) -- Auto save profile in new thread
		-- 2) Issue queue: --
		-- Critical state handling:
		if ProfileService.CriticalState == false then
			if #IssueQueue >= SETTINGS.IssueCountForCriticalState then
				ProfileService.CriticalState = true
				CriticalStateStart = os.clock()
				warn("[ProfileService]: Entered critical state")
			if #IssueQueue >= SETTINGS.IssueCountForCriticalState then
				CriticalStateStart = os.clock()
			elseif os.clock() - CriticalStateStart > SETTINGS.CriticalStateLast then
				ProfileService.CriticalState = false
				warn("[ProfileService]: Critical state ended")
		-- Issue queue:
		while true do
			local issue_time = IssueQueue[1]
			if issue_time == nil then
			elseif os.clock() - issue_time > SETTINGS.IssueLast then
				table.remove(IssueQueue, 1)