The game pass gui. I have that named as “GamepassesGui”
Of course, I am going to work on the other buttons, just need a basic understanding.
The game pass gui. I have that named as “GamepassesGui”
Of course, I am going to work on the other buttons, just need a basic understanding.
your variable would be
local gamepassGui = mainGui.GamepassesGui
But from the picture, I can’t tell if GamepassesGui is in MainGui? Or is it outside of MainGui?
It is in mainGui, yes. Let me test it out.
EEk. No, the gamepass gui isn’t popping up.
if it’s outside of MainGui, use
local gamepassGui = playerGui:WaitForChild("GamepassesGui")
--then in same function use
gamepassGui.Visible = true
Okay that’s because it’s outside of the MainGui, use the code I recently sent that refers to the variable if its outside maingui
Make sure you run this code in the same script we used to disable the shopGui, otherwise it won’t run.
Alright, I will try that. I was taking a little break, eating and stuff
The gamepass gui is inside the maingui.
can you send a picture of what you have typed thus far?
You should be using the same local script, the script that makes shopGui invisible.
So this script
local playerGui = game.Players.LocalPlayer:WaitForChild("PlayerGui")
local mainGui = playerGui:WaitForChild("MainGui")
local gamepassGui = mainGui.GamepassesGui
local shopGui = mainGui.ShopGui
--then inside your function
shopGui.Visible = false
gamepassGui.Visible = true
once you click the button, it will close the shop gui and open the gamepasses gui.
This is the script you gave, it doesn’t work though.
Can you send a picture, denoting where the script is in your workspace? You can circle where the script is after taking an ss.
The script isn’t in the workspace… It is in the StarterGui folder.
Sorry, I meant explorer. Take a picture of the entire explorer and circiling which script isn’t working.
Okay, give me a moment. I need to open something.
Im not sure how to circle it, I’ll change the name of the script.