Project: Hood
Patch 1.4.6
Easter has officially left Project: Hood!
Patch that further polishes the game and adds some more features, content, and fixes!
Aims to balance out gameplay as well as make it more fun / add more purpose.
Art by me, rek
New code: “5K” for 50,000 PH$
Thanks for 5,000 favorites!
- Code “TOTHEMOON” is now invalid
Additions + Changes
Limited time Easter items are now no longer available in cases + hat case reverted back to normal.
ATM and Register cash range buff
- 300 - 625 PH$ → 400 - 625 PH$
23 new ATMs added to the map.
In the order of amount added: Christopher’s Collections, Neo Highrise, Balton
Note that this is NOT our plan for the main incentive to go to Christopher’s Collections, that will come later : )
Arena RAW payout nerfed to help balance the economy, return more variety to gameplay, and bring back viability to the other money making options.
2,000 PH$ > 750 PH$
Keep in mind 750 is without any boosts, you will be able to make more than that if you have any boosts.
Bounty boosts don’t apply to arena wins
The only reason why it was 2,000 before was because weapons didn’t save when arena was first added, 750 is much more balanced especially because there’s no penalty to losing and 0 risk to participating in arena
To put into perspective, here’s a few of the other ways to make money:
ATM’s and registers: 400 PH$ - 625 PH$
Cash drops: 75 PH$ - 400 PH$
Secret locations (chests and safes): 1,000 PH$ - 2,000 PH$
All of these methods aren’t always available and there’s always a risk and possibility of penalty (dying), compared to arena where you can play and have nothing to lose
You no longer gain bounty from Arena wins.
Private server money buffed
- 15% → 40% public server amounts
Instead of a constant 2 bounty on kills, the amount of bounty you get when you kill someone will be 2 + 40% of their bounty
Example: Killing someone with 150 bounty = 2 + (150 * .4)
- = 2 + 60 = 62 bounty gained
Max bounty claim cap increased to 500,000 PH$
Max bounty place cap increased to 500,000 PH$
You will now receive cash boosts depending on how high your bounty is.
Incentive to getting high bounties
These boosts just add on to any other active boosts (Weekends, VIP)
Every 100 bounty = 20% cash boost
Your cash boost percentage will also show next to your bounty.
Bounty boosts don’t apply to private servers or arena wins.
Introducing Wanted Levels
You now gain Wanted Levels as you continue gaining bounty in the open world. Beware and take note of all the new risks and danger! Defend yourself and be prepared.
Wanted Level 1 (30 bounty)
Players are notified about your wanted level
Anyone within 100 studs can see where you are and the money on you (your risk money)
Wanted Level 2 (75 bounty)
Players are notified about your wanted level
Can’t play Arena
Anyone within 500 studs can see where you are and the money on you (your risk money)
10% risk claim bonus (people who kill you get 10% more money, and that comes from your money)
Wanted Level 3 (125 bounty)
Players are notified about your wanted level
Anyone within 3000 studs can see where you are and the money on you (your risk money)
Players are notified when you join a lobby
No longer marked safe in safe zones
20% risk claim bonus (people who kill you get 20% more money, and that comes from your money)
The entire server is notified when someone loses and gains a wanted level.
Wanted levels are disabled in private servers.
Death is no longer instant! Players now get knocked down instead.
(PC/Gamepad) Controls
- R / Y to Revive
- G / X to Carry
- F / B to Finish
You automatically get back up after being knocked for 25 seconds.
Being revived / getting back up leaves you with a fraction of your health.
Downing is disabled in arena matches. (Map too small and arena is too fast paced + people can be toxic with it in arena)
Everything Else
More MAJOR optimizations (You should notice a pretty big frame boost, especially on lower graphics)
**Major optimizations on bullet tracers
Server size increased to 26
Player collision is now disabled in safe zones
Should help reduce lag when lots of people are bunched together in a safe zone (Roblox does a ton of physics and collision calculations on all of the moving parts)
Stops people from pushing AFK players out of safe zones to kill them or move them somewhere else
SKS banned from arena, doesn’t fit the environment (similar to snipers)
Heavy Gun Balancing
While checking gun code I realized that it reverted itself for some odd reason (roblox moment) and didn’t have any of the spread or recoil ramping mechanics that I added 2 months ago
Had to recover a copy of the game as far back from January to get the code back, everything after had reverted code.
Meaning that for the entire 2 months Crew Clashes was out there was no spread and recoil ramping. Which explains SO MUCH frustration. Don’t worry though, it’s here now for sure and more. Guns feel so much better
Spread ramps down 2x faster while ADSing
Reminder that it only takes effect when ADSing and moving slow / still, as well as recoil and spread ramping
Note: Some realism was definitely sacrificed for balance and better gun distribution (meaning more variety of gun usage). In the end, the latter is what matters.
Brief summary of changes:
ARs are slower but still more or less have the same damage (gives incentive and purpose to use SMGs + heavily reduces “spamminess”)
- The main problem with ARs was that they were too easy to use, and their DPS was way too high compared to other guns
ARs, deag, SKS nerfed, RPG buffed (“nerfed” is a very strong word)
Lever Shotgun and XM1014 equip time increased (Lever + python/deag meta nowhere near as powerful aka META SHIFT)
First shot accuracy now exists
- This in itself is a huge buff for every weapon that has it, so all the weapons that have it now feel a lot nicer to use + are better AND reward you for aiming well
Spread ramp rates adjusted around on most guns to penalize heavy spam and reward more precise and thought out aiming, as a result making the skill ceiling and learning curve of them higher
Overall, a lot of changes were made to aim for more variety in weapon usage and gameplay, and to get a better balance. Especially considering open world / free roam is going to be way more popular and just in general more fun to play in now.
More changes and balancing will be made in the future if needed, time will tell. Thanks to our community and testers
Snipers now have 0 spread when aiming in and everything is ramped down, the only factor that affects the shot now would be bullet drop or your own movement obviously
ALL changes
RPM: 450 → 385
Headshot Damage: 49 → 39
Spread reduction (ADS): 67% → 35%
Min recoil %: 45% → 56%
Spread ramp up rate: .89 → 1.17
Spread ramp reset rate: .89 → .31
Spread ramp up rate: .35 → .47
Max spread: 6.5 degrees → 7 degrees
Range: 2450 → 2250
Recoil: 41.5 → 40
- Spread reduction (ADS): 98% → 100%
RPM: 215 → 140
Headshot damage: 102 → 106
Spread reduction (ADS): 47.5% → 20%
Recoil ramp up rate: 1.3 → 1.875
Spread ramp reset rate: .18 → .24
Spread ramp up rate: .35 → 1.7
Max spread: 5.1 degrees → 6.5 degrees
Range: 1500 → 1750
Dropoff min distance: 3.5 → 10
Glock 17
- Spread ramp reset rate: .18 → .25
RPM: 585 → 470
Headshot Damage: 29.2 → 28
Spread reduction (ADS): 58% → 31.5%
Recoil reduction (ADS): 45% → 36%
Min recoil %: 41% → 45%
Spread ramp reset rate: .195 → .3
Range: 2500 → 2000
Dropoff min distance: 10 → 25
Price: 2500 PH$ → 2825 PH$
M1 Thompson
RPM: 635 → 600
Spread reduction (ADS): 57% → 24%
RPM: 515 → 435
Headshot Damage: 37 → 31
Spread reduction (ADS): 62% → 39.5%
Recoil reduction (ADS): 42% → 40%
Min recoil %: 36% → 55%
Spread ramp up rate: .89 → 1.17
Spread ramp reset rate: .48 → .445
Recoil ramp up rate: 1.5 → 1.4
Recoil ramp reset rate: .13 → .2
Recoil speed slightly increased
Dropoff min distance: 15 → 30
Range: 2725 → 2350
Equip time: .32 → .41
RPM: 625 → 490
Headshot Damage: 21 → 20
Spread reduction (ADS): 50% → 30%
Spread ramp up rate: 1.1 → 1.8
Spread ramp reset rate: .19 → .28
Recoil speed slightly increased
Dropoff min distance: 10 → 27
Range: 1500 → 1700
Spread ramp reset rate: .21 → .24
Spread reduction (ADS): 45% → 18%
Lever Shotgun
- Equip time: .5s → .875s
Damage: 103 → 105
Projectile speed: 80 → 125 (Faster but not too fast to where it’s impossible to dodge)
Explosions now have camera shake (buff in itself)
S&W .40
Spread ramp up rate: 1.8 → 1.6
Spread reduction (ADS): 42% → 34%
RPM: 260 → 200
Spread reduction (ADS): 80% → 37%
Recoil reduction (ADS): 40% → 35%
Spread ramp up rate: 2.29 → 1.91
Spread ramp reset rate: .17 → .337
Recoil ramp reset rate: .17 → .195
Max spread: 7.1 degrees → 8 degrees
Movement inaccuracy: 52% → 40%
Reminder that the SKS has both spread/recoil ramping and movement inaccuracy
Saritch 308
RPM: 575 → 415
Headshot Damage: 33 → 30
Spread reduction (ADS): 58% → 32%
Recoil: 25 → 31
Min recoil %: 57% → 65%
Recoil reduction (ADS): 48% → 40%
Recoil ramp up rate: 1.3 → 1.54
Recoil ramp reset rate: .1 → .14
Recoil speed slightly increased
Dropoff min distance: 10 → 20
Range: 2375 → 2400
Headshot damage: 34 → 58
Spread reduction (ADS): 53% → 38.7%
Min recoil %: 54% → 71%
Recoil reduction (ADS): 48% → 40%
Recoil ramp up rate: 1 → 1.1
Recoil ramp reset rate: .15 → .2
Max Spread: 2.9 degrees → 4.6 degrees
Dropoff min distance: 2 → 20
Equip time: .2s → .35s
VSS Vintorez
Spread reduction (ADS): 98% → 100%
Price: 6850 PH$ → 9500 PH$
- Equip time: .5s → .8s
You can now get up the crane: ladder added
High risk high reward
Player list redesign
A player’s connection will now also show up on the player list! A guide to connect pictures to ping:
- 300+ ms = one bar, red
- 176-299 ms = two bars, yellow
- 175 and under = three bars, white
A player’s console will now also show up on the player list!
- Xbox = gamepad picture
- PC = monitor picture
NEW Show Armor setting
Setting to show your armor or not (client side only)
Primarily made for the purpose of seeing your fit / not having things clash with the armor
Gamepad/controller now has 6 new sensitivity options!
Find them in Settings under* "Gamepad"
You can now favorite and filter items in your inventory! (NOT tools)
Everything saves, including what categories you have filtered or not
Arena max match time shortened
- 5:00 → 3:30
Lifetime stats page now only updates when opened or changed for better network optimization
- Play time also should always go up correctly now
Guns will now allow you to shoot if the barrel of it is inside something or a part is blocking the way (We know it was annoying for everybody)
- The bullet will just land at where the shot would be blocked by normally.
New default camera offset for a better field of view
New Directional Damage Indicators
Rotates to point iin the direction you’re shot from, on your screen for a short period of time
New FOV Slider
Range: 50-120 FOV
^ 120 FOV
Find it in Settings under "Camera"
New setting: Auto reload (toggleable in settings)
If enabled, your gun will automatically reload after every shot (similar to Arsenal)
Off by default
Find it in Settings under "Guns"
Music now plays in Rek’s Range (beat by solar/hokoi)
New community contributor: solar/hokoi (m_egu)
Your crosshair now stays in the same position when you ADS
All non-sniper guns now have the same FOV when aiming in (What caused the feel of different sensitivity)
Damage Indication Improvements
- Damage indicators are now blue if you hit someone with armor on
Armor break sound now plays when you break someone’s armor / your armor gets broken
- Damage indicators are now blue if you hit someone with armor on
Rain particles (Simple setting) now no longer face the camera if you look upwards, leading to a more realistic look (thanks Roblox for finally adding this as a feature)
Your car will now have a personal vehicle blip that displays at all times that will help you find your car
You can toggle it off with a new setting: “Personal Vehicle Marker” found in the “Cars” section
Automatically disables in cinematic mode
You can no longer damage teammates during Arena 2v2s
Utility is now sold at arena
Grenade camera shake reduced
"Camera Springs" setting removed, it will always be false now
Reduced volume on all car sounds
Client dependent hits (melee, fists) will now no longer be registered if the player’s ping is too high. (>=1000 ms)
- Should no longer give extremely laggy players a huge advantage
High ping (your hit requests getting sent to the server) will no longer register gun shots. Being on bad ping and having your shots take up to seconds for the server to receive it and have the shot still register was a completely unfair advantage to the majority of players
These changes shouldn’t affect your hitreg at all unless you’re constantly over 1000 ping (why even play at that point…)
More anticheat improvements
Bug Fixes
Bug where melees randomly stop working is fixed
Testing fix where gun hold animations keep playing after unequipped
Leaving while dead in arena should no longer log you
Damage indicators on the dummies in Rek’s Range should now be separated
Shooting legs and arms should now also count as body shots (iirc only torso counted before)
You can no longer deal damage to people outside of an arena match if you’re in one yourself (was possible if you die during a 2v2 and spawned back in)
RPG projectile fixed
Bug where gun/melee appears in the wrong place should be fixed or at least happen a lot less
Bug where hurt effects randomly don’t show is fixed (no hurt indication)
Fixed rare anticheat “spin” flagging
Fixed bug where notifications don’t show when you’re getting hurt for being in a safe zone during a bounty
Bug where bounty billboard only updates bounty and not claim amount fixed
Inventory items randomly not saving should be fixed
Bank no longer gives bounty on vault open in private servers (wasn’t a bug but unintended)
Interactions menu no longer resets when a player leaves (It’s only supposed to reset when the player you have selected leaves)