Hello! I am making something (very similar to admin) called (currently); “Project Hornet”. I would l for community feedback on the idea and maybe if any is wanting to help out. Hopefully you like the idea and not criticize it for being “dumb” or “stupid” or “impossible” (If your saying that, watch this first…), I mean if people have made Kohl’s, Adonis, and HD, it can’t be that hard to piece them together along with several other commands to be added, which is what this is. Be prepared to read…
(It was originally a reddit link to what it was, but uhh, some people left some not very nice comments
[u/hasuki057146)] little hint, your blocked by the way)
-Project Hornet
Ok, “Project Hornet” nicknamed Hornet Admin or Chasing Admin, is where we take all the commands from
Kohl’s, Adonis, and HD, putting ALL those commands (NO DUPLICATES) into the HD GUI’s (obviously still keeping the Donor and the new one coming soon commands and their GUI’s.)
At the top of the main HD GUI, where it literally just says “HD Admin”, it would be spilt into 3 segments, one saying “HD”, one saying “Kohl’s”, and one saying “Adonis” (in that order)
when you click HD, you have all the HD commands, when you click Kohl’s, you have all the Kohl’s commands (yes it would be the same GUI HD uses to display the commands, just with Kohl’s
commands.) and when you click Adonis, you have all the Adonis commands (yes it would be the same GUI HD uses to display the commands, just with Adonis commands.), then under that is 2
segments containing words "Trolling GUI (this opens the actual Troll GUI in its own GUI NOT in HD’s.) and then right over is Hornet where it has all the commands we add! It is split up so
it’s not as hard to find a HD or a Kohl’s or a, Adonis command or just a specific command.
The point of this is so the community can have every command they can think of in a nice and neat, organized GUI all in one admin this is the admin with the most uses.
(All the other GUI’s in HD like for :chatlogs, :logs, :admins :donor, :-etc. will stay also.)
Also we’ll add commands for at least SOME original commands
Okay lets start that;
:greenscreen (makes your character except head green)
:trip (not like the Kohl’s or Adonis one.) - (makes you fall and ragdoll, then wait 3 seconds [still rag dolled {after 5 seconds you un-ragdoll.}.], and allow the player to jump and get back up.)
:health/:damage/:heal (:heal doesn’t work so good so is included in ones that should be added.) :health makes you up or down your health, :damage makes you, well take damage, and :heal,
the polar opposite of :damage, heals you to a certain amount.)
/open utg (open the same UTG Flamingo uses [made by Nebula_Zoroark and Lord_Phantasmagoria.] with its own little add-ons like R6, R15, a search bar, and be able to type any name,
rather the whole name or part of the name (like HD), and saying me, others, and all would also interact.)
:kraken (Makes a giant squid monster appear and just causes mass destruction… Vomiting ink on people to blind them, exploding people, ripping people in half, destroying blocks, dropping
people from tall heights and they die on ground impact, just destruction… This only goes on for 30 seconds though OR if someone says :unkraken.)
:robux (basically so we can tell people to go to the game and type :robux for it to waste their time lol, basically it shows an animation [will need a GFX person and animator for this {plus
a scripter.}], basically it shows builderman giving a bacon hair a robux symbol with 1M+ on it, they buy a bunch of stuff, and then a pro, I don’t know, Linkmon99 or mrflimflam comes and
takes all their stuff, says haha noob and then your screen gets lagged, they explode, super flung, and then after 10 seconds of madness they crash.)
:banhammer (so this will give you a ban hammer that when it touches someone, it opens the HD Admin ban GUI, the player it touches is auto selected, you can set how long the ban is
[kick-pban], if it’s in the server or game, the reason [if no reason is submitted then it just says you were banned or kicked and shows how long] and also you have a button that allows you
to just kick them. Also when you hold the hammer, it allows you to toggle on and off if you want to direct-ban them so automatically on touch it kicks/bans them with no GUI opened, though
there has to be a settings button so you can set reason and time. And of course the direct-ban button goes away when you unhold the hammer.)
:bend (Rotates the torso, arms, head, and legs randomly.)
:stomp (stomps foot and can kill/damage people around or under the stomp, makes smoke on ground impact.)
There is :loopkill and -(in Adonis/Khols-)-:loopfling, but what if we add… :loopre (:loopreset and :looprespawn) :loopclown and :looppoop (HD)
LASTLY; When Adonis, Kohl’s, HD (including HD’s Donor or the new one coming soon.), or the UTG commands update or add more, we would need a system to where it automatically updates.
ALSO; (For HD commands specifically-)- -Modify the commands-
Make a command (:uncountdown) that would remove countdowns, I thought of this because its quite annoying to have a countdown that is 1e+29.
Make the :unff command affect the force-field that people spawn with.
Make :logs and :chatlogs a live system.
SPECIAL LONG COMMAND: Okay, this is here because of how long it is, so here it is; |
:customize ~or~ :avatar
(would open a GUI that allows you to customize yourself with everything in the catalog, including stuff offsale or prizes like ban hammer, all the Bloxy’s,
headless head, deathspeaker etc. the GUI would be similar to the catalog, we would redo the genres to be [first] Clothing+ [inside is Shirts, Pants, and T-Shirts], then Accessories
[inside would be Hats, Hair, Face, Neck, Back, Front, Waist, Shoulders], then Body Parts [inside Face, Head, Torso, Right Arm, Left Arm, Right Leg, Left Leg, Bundles, and would also have
Avatar Animations+ in it which holds Animations and Emotes], then Gear [having inside all the genres], and finally UGC Items [inside having Accesories+ with all what it holds, and
Clothing+ and what it holds]. Just to be clear, this holds everything ever put in the catalog offsale or onsale, default or limited or limitedU, also there will be a section that is
Content Deleted+ which holds all the listed things above under it, obviously it is just for view, FINALLY, there is a thing that holds your costumes [can hold an infinite amount]
[and has R6+R15], YES it transfers through all HD Admin having games like Donor does, and there will be preset ones, like “your” avatar, shortest avatar, tallest avatar, the guest avatar,
bacon and salad hair avatars, noob avatar, the builderman avatar [and the professional builderman avatar, where he has the black suit and OBC hat on], and the Roblox avatar.
You can set it to where you respawn how you customized your avatar. Lastly, like Flamingo does in Roblox Highschool 2, you can put decals on you, except its free and you can put it anywhere
on you.)