Projectile physics

I want to make a dodgeball that actually is effected by gravity and moves smoothly.
I want it to go in like a very long arc shape.
and most importantly
I want it to lock onto players and push itself towards them in a assisting way correcting like 13 stud misses

it can’t use roblox physics
I thought about using tweens but I don’t know how to make tweens go at a arc or even how to generate the path and also wouldn’t exactly work with pushing itself towards players in a range

so any ideas I really am lost

You could create your own physics projectile handler like using body movers and looping,-1,0) or just use workspaces gravity. Or follow ego mooses tutorial and loop through each iterations of the next peojected physics caluctions with a body mover.

link egos tutorial

Kinematic equations represent exactly that. Your acceleration vector would include gravity, as well as homing onto the locked player.