Sure, I’ll make sure to let u know a bit later! Thanks for the help mate!
Yes it works, but now the only problem remaining is that quest rewards only reward the player with the first quest they took. So for exemple if I take quest 1 first, then any other quest will give quest’s 1 reward.
Since you needed to modify a sign to make it working until here, maybe try the same?
if plr.PlrInfo.ActiveQuest.MobCount.Value > MobRequirement.Value then
instead of:
if plr.PlrInfo.ActiveQuest.MobCount.Value >= MobRequirement.Value then
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Not working sadly. It’s like it it can’t find the tables.
I would then suggest a teddious task:
go through all your quest system and check every script which could interfere with it. Also testing on roblox studio could helps too
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