Prompt.Triggered doesn't work


Alright, the problem is in the script you wrote not in the prompt

And what is the problem in my local script? @LambHubGoBrrrrr

The for loop doesn’t work as well. So I think it is because of the whole local script.

Your script stopped here, the order of conditional statement is also important

Since CharacterAdded:Wait() comes first, if the character already exists
It will still wait because this come first, before or Player.Character

Simply swap it around

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Thanks so much. It worked. But I have one more problem.

This doesn’t work. I mean that the buttons are becoming instantly visible and the text is instantly there.

can you give a bit more detail?

I need the typewriter effect done and then the buttons will appear.

There is a new property in BaseGui with texts quite a while now, that provides what you needed, try that instead
Typewriter Effect: New property MaxVisibleGraphemes (Live) - Updates / Announcements - DevForum | Roblox