Proximity Prompt Release

I found a bug where if the gui is active and the holdduration is changed to something else the tween animation is bugged (gets fixed if the gui get’s deactivated and then activated)

This is cool!
My only gripe is that I would like a PlayerToHideFrom (maybe even players?) property like BillboardGuis have

I don’t know if I’m missing something but proximity prompt seems to only work with R15. Why?

Might be something your doing wrong? Works perfectly fine for me (R6) as well my custom character models

Well, not bad, but I do have one complaint:
I played around with this via a simple revive system. The prompt is enabled when the player becomes downed. Only the downed player can see the revive prompt. Another player, even when standing ontop of the downed player, never sees it. (Visibility is handled by a server script, and I checked, the enabled property is set for the other player.)

I checked to see if this was a character problem and tied the prompt to an external part welded to the downed player’s HumanoidRootPart but that changed nothing. When a prompt is tied to a part in the workspace however, two players can see the prompt at the same time, regardless of who is closer.

Is this intended or not? There is no option to only make prompts visible to the nearest player, or all players.

I found that for some reason the animation messes up the activation distance but I don’t get why

What part isn’t working? I can’t see from your image…

Is that a custom GUI?

In Style, change that to Custom.

Hey, found this from the beta feature post. Just a small request, Could you please make another event that is similar to bindactions (Context Action Service) and have an Enum for Interact began, ended, and finished?

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Is the functionality of that process circle gonna be out? I want it :smiley:

This is amazing! Please add the documentation in the wiki search please!


This is a nice feature rather than having to awkardly place an invisible part with a .Touched connection or raycasting/measuring distance between the object. :smile:


Question towards proximity prompt. Does the prompt constantly run like a while true do() script or does it only run when a player is near? How does it work exactly? Is it a server event fired or is it just one server thing?

Edited to further instate my point:

The way that I was taught to do was using a player GUI and use while true do script to constantly check the player’s position in relation to the nearest keybind door. When one is near the door, the GUI appears on that door (FROM CLIENT SIDE) and when a player interacts, it fires a server event to open that door. Obviously a pretty bad idea as you are constantly checking where the player is.

I’m wondering if proximity prompt is the same as that? Or does it run on a completely different system?

When releasing the key after holding it, the animation seems to dwindle back instead of instantly restarting. I think there should be an option for that just in case a developer doesn’t want the transition to continue after holding it shortly after releasing.

I haven’t tested this out at all, but it would definitely need to constantly run in the background in order to check if the player is near an object. You shouldn’t worry too much about the performance of this because it probably uses spatial partitioning like @buildthomas said; in other words, it probably uses indices tied to an area around the objects to make separate groups of them inside a table. It will then compare the player’s position to see which(if any) index it’s inside of. This means you can have 1,000+ of these objects and shouldn’t see much of a difference when compared to having 10 objects.

Also, firing one remote to tell the client to display a GUI isn’t expensive at all. It’s not constantly firing the remote, but it is constantly checking (which is negligible). Once the client presses the prompt, it sends a"Trigger this event behind this object" remote, which still isn’t expensive and would need to be done anyway to prevent exploitation.

Side Note
I completely agree with what buildthomas said that the backend should be exposed to developers. This means we would have a built-in feature for things like area-based music, spawning/despawning objects only if people are in a certain area for large maps, triggered events that happen only when a player enters a wide area, etc…

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There is a small gap between each half circles at the very bottom of the progress bar. Am I the only one who has this?

Doesnt Seem To Popup When Proximity Prompt Is Near A Npc

@crypto_mancer I think you folks forgot to link up the Studio Beta to this thread, there is no link on the item (see other row for example that has a link):


Was waiting for it to be released since the beta came out! Thanks!

You need to actually script it