Proximity Prompt Release

For a number of reasons, yes.
A maze game for instance is a quick and easy example. A player must find the key to the exit. They can rearrange their “line of sight”, pick it up, and head back over to their normal line of sight, all without moving.

With the server-side this wouldn’t happen. It is a fairly obscure issue that can probably be fixed with some simple scripting from the developer themselves by implementing a server-sided check within the function, but overall it would be nice if a future update presented this check on the server side.


yes, otherwise they would have updated the beta post

If the player is on mobile, are they also able to use the Proxmity Prompt?

I think so as long as ProximityPrompt.ClickablePrompt is on.

This is going to be an amazing feature, thank you for creating it! Definitely better than having to script my own.

I’m just curious if there will be any other styles added or will it stay as Default/Custom?

Is there a way to disable proximityprompts on certain clients only? For example, when you are talking to a NPC?


I’m trying to figure out how PromptShown works, but there is no documentation describing the event.


Are there any arguments I’m missing?

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PromptShown fires when the prompt pops up for the user to interact with


It passes a ProximityPromptInputType object instead of a Player object.


Triggered event its used to fire when a player activate / hold the key it also has a Player argument


thanks, but when I tried this still nothing happened. do you think it’s not released yet?

It should work, I tried it a few minutes ago. If you have RequiresLineOfSight enabled for the prompt, try disabling it

Yeah, idk why it’s not working for me, I tried disabling the RequiresLineOfSight, and still got the same result.

It is released, maybe reinstall Studio?

Someone here know how to fix this bug?

or if its planned to be fixed?

Weird, check your MaxDistance.

Any chance we’ll be able to customize PromixtyPrompts? Only then would this be a feature I’d reallly find a use case for.

I had one resoultion and that was to make another button/part that would be infront of your object and just have the proximity prompt in that. (So not inside the Humanoid if thats what your doing).

Also check your Maxdistance too.

ClickablePrompt only affects desktop users. Mobile users will always be able to tap it even if ClickablePrompt is off.

You already can

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So I’m using custom UIs with the proximity prompt here and I’m curious how I can get the direct path to the UI so I can allow users to click it as well. (I have the actual clicking part in the button on all the UIs when its created not in the actual interactions) - Video
tldr - I used a custom UI and can’t use my mouse to activate it (For mobile support) any suggestions?