Proximity Prompt Studio Beta

Nice lol. This feels like how you’d have to make this work if we were making minecraft mods.

Though I agree with @BusyCityGuy, it’d be nice to have proper sphere casting.


Is there any chance we will be able to make similar prompts that are always on the screen, rather than only world space prompts?

For example, a screen space button prompt on the bottom right of the screen that you hold to return to the game’s hub.


This is very cool. Could we also mainstream radials? : )

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I think that the Proximity Prompt is great, however when trying to ride the car, there should be a wait sentence and a sort of animation rather then just getting teleported to the car. That would be nice, otherwise this new API Instance seems greater then expected! Nice job Roblox!

I haven’t personally tested out the feature; however, I do have one pressing question. Let’s say I have a car and I want to have multiple interactions at once, one to lock it and one to sit in it. Is there any way utilizing this system to get it to stack on top of each-other much like using a UIListLayout while also having different keys bound? If that’s not possible is it something on the roadmap of things to be added?

For me this has been a long awaited feature as an alternative to my current interaction system that would create less overhead. I look forward to testing this out in the morning!

Is there any easy way to force it to always use the camera’s focus, and if not, could you consider adding one? This feels like it would make a lot more sense than taking the character position (to prevent things behind you getting prompted, for example).

WOW! When will this be fully released? PLEASE be soon! Loving the amazing updates Roblox :heart_eyes:


You could probably program it when customizing the proximity prompt to make it fade in or out depending on the distance from the players character.

Oh yeah - didn’t read the API so I missed that there was a .PromptShown event. The verbiage here is awkward since this is using it for a non-prompt purpose.

Perhaps a more generalized event name could be “ProximityEntered”, which makes it a bit more targeted toward other general proximity use cases.


This is a wonderful feature and cannot wait for it to be finished!

FINALLY, no longer needed to make my own modules, and scripts that aren’t working 100% perfectly, this is literally the best thing added to studio, and its going to make our jobs easier.

Great update!!!

Just located a bug, whenever I have this beta feature enabled, and whenever I try to put a Script into a folder inside a folder, it crashes studio. Not sure what other ways there are to replicate this, but I’ve turned it off for now, and it doesn’t crash anymore.

Finally, now scripting interactional objects would be much easier! Also as Greg Mentioned it seems like it can also be used as a Region3, which makes it very flexible feature! Thanks, Roblox!

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Same thing happened to me just now. I tried to insert a LocalScript inside the ProximityPrompt instance and tried to edit the script. Then my studio became very laggy.

Can you have multiple keybinds. like
E - Option 1
Q - Option 2


yeah it does


What will happen with performance if i have for example 100 of this? Since i don’t know how this thing checks if player near it, i got this question.


7Gacpa07MA.mp4 doesn’t seem to lag


This is one of Roblox’s biggest updates for developing! This makes my work A LOT easier. But, did anyone forgot about VideoFrames? :film_strip: No more updates?

Question, does this only work for studios with this beta feature enabled? Because I tried it in game and it didn’t work.