ProximityPrompt as a SurfaceGui

Hello there everyone,
I have a small problem. So I am new to ProximityPrompts. I know the basics, meaning that I know how to use them when they are the default ones. I also know that the ProximityPrompt is by default a BillboardGui, however, I would like to instead have it as a SurfaceGui. For that, I need to make a custom GUI and I found tutorials on how to do just that, except that all of those tutorials only teach you how to change the current BillboardGui, and not how to transform it into a SurfaceGui.

I’ve tried searching everywhere for a possible explanation on how I could make it a SurfaceGui, but found nothing. So, here I am asking if anyone maybe knows how I could make a ProximityPrompt on a SurfaceGui.

Any kind of help would be greatly appreciated!

(I apologise in advance for any mistake, I am writing this at midnight and am a bit tired)

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Currently an official supported way to turn ProximityPrompts to SurfaceGuis does not exist, so the only way is to create your own proximity prompts by using SurfaceGuis.

Interesting. I saw this post Making GUI pop up for door when player is near the door - #4 by EzCreations and thought it was possible with the ProximityPrompt.
(the post I saw doesn’t answer to my question)

Anyway, I am going to probably do what you’re suggesting. Thanks anyway!

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I believe that what he has done, is to use a “Custom” style (with the Style property of ProximityPrompts) which is actually just a transparent image with nothing on it. Then, you can just use PromptButtonHoldBegan and PromptButtonHoldEnded and use a surface gui to make it look like that’s the actual proximity prompt. You can also show or hide the surface gui by using the events from the proximity prompt, PromptHidden and PromptShown.