Does this also apply to events?
Say for example I have a remote event connected and that script is part of the player’s character. When the character is destroyed the script is too, but is the connection destroyed?
Does this also apply to events?
Say for example I have a remote event connected and that script is part of the player’s character. When the character is destroyed the script is too, but is the connection destroyed?
Yes. When a script is destroyed any connections created by it will be disconnected.
No, it does not. :Remove()
is essentially a wrapper for parenting an instance to nil, :Destroy()
takes extra steps (such as removing all connections) to ensure an object is actually ‘destroyed’. A trip to the API reference pages for destroy and remove could have quickly answered your question, so in the future try the API first
You mentioned to always do :Destroy(), what if I want something to have a delayed destroy? Currently I use game.Debris, does this also remove the connections? Or should I switch to
task.delay(2, function()
Can I insert a reference to a connection
local a; a = event:Connect(function()
table.insert(connections, a)
and then do
connections[a]:Disconnect ??