PSA: Removing legacy touch controls

I don’t know if this is irrelevant to the post, if it is, let me know. But are we ever going to have shift-lock switch for mobile?


As it is past October 9th and Thumbstick still functions properly in Studio, am I correct in assuming it is fine to use the Thumbstick? I have also tested in mobile, and still I understand why Roblox is pushing for the Dynamic Thumbstick, but simply cannot give away that much screen real estate.


Why is this change needed? You can keep Dynamic Thumbstick on by default but I feel as that roblox players should have the freedom to choose their schemes. It feels unnecessary to remove these as lots of players (including myself) still use other schemes besides the Dynamic Thumbstick


I think this is not a good decision.

“These controls did the job for a long time, but there was clear room for improvement.”

TouchMovementMode was the first control method in the Roblox and now it’s modernized. I think other control schemes can also be modernized.

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I really do not like the new “thumbstick”. I always end up dragging my finger way to far up, and it just doesn’t feel right to me.

Is there anyway to fix the camera moving around whilst moving? It makes it incredibly hard to do obbies.

  • Legacy Controls
  • New Controls

0 voters

What do you all think? I personally prefer the legacy dpad.


And also, if you want this change, it will be nice to give player option to set max thumbstic size.


It seems to be that most Roblox users do not like the new controls and prefer the legacy ones. I heavily suggest adding the option back.

I think it was added back a few months ago due to the lashback.

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What were they thinking when they released this update?!

I agree with you. What the Angry Videogame Nerd said: What’s the most important part of playing a game? Being able to play it!!

It’s like they’re intentionally trying to make their game unplayable.


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