Publishing a Package will commonly Warn or Ban account

I’ve been banned 2 times and warned 6 times now for an auto generated package image or something else with the package that is completely out of my control so 8 times in total. I’ve had to contact Roblox to have the issue resolved and by the time they actually say that it had nothing wrong with it and restore the image the ban is already lifted. I have no idea what is causing this but I have seen others have a similar issue. Potential Solution is to stop generating images for packages as nobody can even see them and they are pointless unless the issue is something else entirely.

Reproduction Steps
Occasionally, when you publish a Package of any kind you will be randomly warned or banned.

Expected Behavior
The package should just publish without generating an image as it isn’t even viewable by anyone including us without going to the website ID link for the package itself which nobody does.

Actual Behavior
You will occasionally be warned or banned for an image that you didn’t even upload as it is generated by roblox. For me this image is usually blank but I added a Thumbnail camera in a solid black box a while back to try to fix it but it did not work. Meaning I am banned for a solid black image or empty space. I have seen others commenting on similar experiences and this is a HUGE oversight on whatever is causing this because its been happening for a while. However I have had my entire package deleted instead and the image apparently wasn’t the issue so it may be an issue with package publishing in general. I then have to email Roblox support for them to restore it every time.

Here’s a few of the Screenshots I have collected over time whenever this happens:


We’ve filed a ticket into our internal database for this issue, and we will update you when we have further information!

Thanks for the report!


Hi ExileUnbound. Thanks for reaching out regarding this issue. I’ve spoken with the Moderation team. They have noted that these moderation cases were incorrect. They are working on improving the experience for users and reducing false positives in the future. I hope this helps! Please let me know if this continues to happen. More than happy to reach out again to investigate.

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I can confirm, this still happens. I believe I know exactly what triggers it as it was a “single” line change that caused it for me. When using a require in a script that references the model, even when it is on your own account to the same or another model triggers this.

      --do something

Link to resource:


So essentially, Roblox auto mod detects require(x) scripts as exploits/trojans? No matter where the AssetID directs to?

Yup, that was the only change I made before the insta-ban, literally 1 second after it was uploaded. So it’s not a Human moderator, but an automation issue I believe. The only workaround would be to comment out that require and just tell anyone that needs to use it, to uncomment it (because that’s how I had it setup before I uploaded the latest version). I can see the logic of the ban as what if someone was using a require for bad things, but the very thing that could be bad would have to already be public and already passed through the code filters all on the Roblox platform, not some external site. :thinking:

I’m not sure commenting it out would work. I’m guessing Roblox automod does not search for comments and exclude them from moderation, and would just moderate you anyway.

I will find out when the Ban expires. :sweat_smile:

Yes, it appears even with it comment out and non-functional, it will still ban you. Now I have a 3 day ban, but at least I can write a proper bug report now. The difference was, it wasn’t an insta-ban, but it took about 10 minutes for it to kick in. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

because it needs time to publish

I just created a detailed bug report on this specifically and also linked to this topic as further issues to show, so hopefully this will get some staff members attention when they get back from winter vacation. :grinning:

How do you communicate with those AI bots? Do you use other AI?


i recently just got banned for the second time due to this happening. what happened was i updated a JToH tower that i made, and then my account suddenly got banned again. Same thing happened to me on Christmas Eve. I’ve already sent in an appeal, and are currently waiting for roblox to get back to me.

in the meanwhile, i am banned from roblox for a day. Which is really annoying, as i was trying to do something for my game.

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If anyone believes you have a ban issue related to using a “require” in your published models, please let the devs know here: Models Uploaded with a Script that Contains a Require() pointed to an AssetID Autobans Account

Wanted to mention, the default starter blocky rig seems to get flagged by the sexual content filter (straight out of build rig) due to all limbs having the same colour.


Could this be changed or negotiated with the Rig Builder team? I often upload blocky rigs with scripts in them, and this causes a warning or temp ban if I don’t change the body colours.

Thanks folks, we’re looking into this. Any further updates will be posted in the dev forum bug post from @knightmb1 : Models Uploaded with a Script that Contains a Require() pointed to an AssetID Autobans Account

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