Purple Banded Boss White Hat was deleted

The Roblox created accessory Purple Banded Boss White Hat was content deleted. There have been a few situations like this in the past few days, so I believe a system to prevent items created by Roblox from being deleted might be helpful.

I also believe this hat should be reinstated, as this seems to be a false deletion.


This is the 3rd time in the past couple days :sob: How does this continue to happen

I told u… verified user have priority and they can convince them to dsa almost anything

Honestly this doesn’t proof anything because you don’t enter your username or verified email when you submit a report and can use it while not logged in. I guess it is a theory but not proof

It can just be a regular user conviencing a moderator to delete the item by instead of linking the 1 to 1 copy a official roblox asset. However i got no info if that’s true but it could be a possibility guess

Also @bvetterdays you might wanna see another item getting deleted-

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There’s no priority for verified users for DSA, we’ve seen just yesterday that an unverified user can replicate this issue and I thought it’d be fixed but I guess not

At this point i could make a whole article talking about the flaws for UGC, VC, Chat, DSA and general moderation like how really bad it is

It would take me a few hours to finish probably but i would had a few ideas in mind

Either way this should get fixed

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they’re also terminating a ton of developers for seemingly no reason

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I’m guessing this is the same instance of what happened yesterday, simply because engineers cannot possibly implement a fix for this issue/update moderation practices within less than 24 hours. Until they do so, I’m assuming there’ll continue to be instances like this where stupid moderators do not look at the creator of the item being reported because they try to review reports as quickly as possible.

A fix needs to be put in place where items which are created by Roblox are either auto-denied or, if this isn’t possible, have a big red flag next to them so moderators can deny the malicious reports easily.

CC @PseudoRNG3816


The issue is if there was a actual illegal (Like some strange law) roblox asset then you wouldn’t be able to report it but this probably isn’t that common honestly

Roblox claims that moderators are “highly trained” for reports yet this kind of stuff happens. They also see the big text that says “Roblox” with the verified checkmark

They could also add a new badge which is the roblox admin badge but it shows next to the name. Would also solve some issues regarding impersonators or scams aswell

There are small features that could get added which solve big issues like this but they arent implemented. They could add like a massive safety update with like popups like discord did once

Also in other note, the item has been restored


Another issue recently has been test items uploaded by official Roblox admins being deleted for spam, like the Roblox test caps and test bundle accessories. Less of an issue but still embarrassing that Roblox’s own staff are being punished for items they helped create.


Roblox auto mod sucks, 3 items in 3 days being deleted in a row, they should sort this out


hahaha they’re not even trying anymore

I’m pretty sure this was confirmed to be human moderators accepting abusive reports via the DSA Reporting System or well atleast found a method using it

We can’t blame AI for everything because both doesn’t work atleast for robloxs side at the moment

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