PurpleTag | Overhead Tag

Hello I found a bug with the tags.


The tag text expands.

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Could you send me your config in DevForum DM’s? I can’t seem to replicate this.

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You join on your main account then you join on an alt account and the move the alt account far away from the your main then if the main has a tag the alt will see the giant text.

Sorry, if this does not make sense.

Not the best idea if you’d ask me…

Hey there! It is not a default, and there is a comment in the settings script warning against doing it. But I do like giving people the freedom to if they would like to. :man_shrugging:

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I believe you have to script that yourself

Hey there! This is an incredible system, great work! I’ve started using it, but I wish to disable the AFK system, is there a toggle I can configure so the AFK system gets disabled? I tried any associated AFK systems, but that just made the OverheadRank system fail.

I’d appreciate any help, sorry if I missed an easy fix for this! :+1:

Disable the afkHandler local script and GlobalAFKHandler script.

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Worked, and everything is just fine now. Thank you very much! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I am so sorry I did not see this until now, on the next update I’ll likely add a toggle for the system to make it easier.

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No need to be sorry! Thank you for getting back to me and planning on implementing a change/setting! That’s all that matters! :hearts:

PurpleTag V2.1

Bug Fixes
+ Accessories now turn forcefield.
+ Added the ability to disable the AFK System.
+ The AFK system no longer changes your characters colors, meaning skincolor and accessory color will stay the same, but you will look see-through.


Planned / To-Do
+ Make a system for admin system capes (adonis, basic admin essentials) to retain their materials after returning from AFK, currently they return to "Plastic" no matter what.
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Hello can you make it that you can turn name tags on and off for the local player with a button?

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I could make an event to disable it for the local player possibly, but the button you would have to make yourself.

Ok that sounds good! How can I find the event?

It’s in the docs at the top of this thread.

I do not see it anywhere. Can you please help me find it?

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Hello! I’ve set up a command in my game where I can run :tagdisguise and it will do the code:

local hidePlayer = game.ReplicatedStorage.RankFolder.hidePlayer

I looked it up and im pretty sure you’re supposed to put true in that to disguise so whenever i use the command it fires hideplayer in replicated storage which is where it is once you load the game but it isnt working

This error also comes up, might be a bug in purple tags code?

Nevermind just had to pass in the player!

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