You are trying to get the oldest player, you mean the player that stayed the most in the server or the one with the highest age?
The one that has stayed in the server the longest.
Then I suggest you give every player a leaderstats point like time, and every second give them 1 point more, than every second check which player has the most points and put it in a team
I wrote this on devforum so please check that the code is write and fix all syntax errors b4 you say it doesn’t work
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local JoinTimes = {}
JoinTimes[Player] = time()
JoinTimes[Player] = nil
function GetOldestPlayer()
local OldestTime = math.huge
local OldestPlayer
for Player, Time in JoinTimes do
if Time <= OldestTime then
OldestTime = Time
OldestPlayer = Player
return OldestPlayer
Thanks for the idea. characters…
so basically it makes a list called join times. This list literally stores the players join times:
JoinTimes = {
--Player Name = Time Joined
TwoMadDev = 2542,
nikebrand1d = 43132
the “GetOldestPlayer” function loops through this list to find the player with the earliest join time.
Sorry I’m pretty bad at scripting. How do I print the results?
Just do:
Ok I made the print statement but it doesn’t output anything
That’s because you have log mode enabled.
I made the leaderstat script that gives the player 1 point each second but I can’t find a way to grab the person with the highest amount of points.
I tried a sorting system but it only prints nil.
local players = game.Players:GetPlayers()
table.sort(players, function(a,b)
if a.leaderstats.Time.Value > b.leaderstats.Time.Value then
return true
print(players[1].Name .. " has the most time!")
I would Recommend using time()
as it returns the elapsed time since the Server Began, so you can assign this Number to the Player, Instead of having a number in the billions, it would be less, as os.time
and tick
return the elapsed time since the UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970), Plus, they are based on UTC Time, so it would probably be best to track their Join Time based on the Server’s Lifetime, Look into it if you like:
Basically using @TwoMadDev 's Example:
local Times = {}
Times[p.UserId] = time() -- elapsed time since Server Began
Times[p.UserId] = nil -- removes Player from list when leaving
It is best to note that we are using UserId
instead of Names, It is a lot more Efficient to Keep their UserId
so we can keep track of them easier.
And to check the Oldest Player, we need to look for the shortest Value out of all the keys in the Table
function GetOldestInServer()
local UserId
local ShortestTime = math.huge -- infinite in simple terms
for index, Time in Times do
-- index is the key (aka the UserId)
-- Time is the Key's Value (aka their Time)
if Time < ShortestTime then
ShortestTime = Time -- new Value to look through, this makes it so it looks for a value lower than this one
UserId = index -- This is so we can keep track of the Player we are literating through
return tonumber(UserId), ShortestTime -- returns the UserId and Time of the Player
local PlayerId, PlayerTime = GetOldestInServer() -- Data is given to the two Variables
local Player = game.Players:GetPlayerByUserId(PlayerId) -- Gets Player in Server by their UserId
if Player then
print(Player.Name, "Is the Oldest Player with the Time of", PlayerTime)
Didn’t even know the function exsisted. Not to mention the fact that os.time() is based on your devices timezone might’ve caused his game system to break
. Hopefully he sees this and fixes it
It even says it under the Documentation:
This library currently serves the purpose of providing information about the system time under the UTC format.
Ohhh ok. I’m starting to understand what @TwoMadDev said. I’ll look into the articles to try to understand them more. Thank you!
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