Query regarding tabling and teleporting

From only the code we’ve changed, the for loop shouldn’t have caused anything else to break, so I would say it is probably something else. When you were pasting the code from here maybe you accidentally deleted something? It’s impossible for us to tell for sure.

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This should not be necessary.

If a seed isn’t specified, one will automatically be pulled from an internal entropy source.

We’re planning to change math.random to use the same algorithm by early next year.

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I don’t think it’s any code we have edited but I can’t be sure. If you used the edited code. I provided then it most likely is not the cause, as it can’t be infinite yielding if the players are tping. I would recommend adding multiple print statements in your code and seeing how many of them your code actually prints. Then if one doesn’t print you can narrow down your search to the area you put that print statement in.

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It was some of my faulty syntax later in the code, thanks all for the help!