Question about Motor6Ds

So I have a model. A tank, with several parts that are welded to one base part.

I want to tween the Motor6D’s C0 position so I can basically use that to move the model from point a → b

But when I put the C0 position as the position of a part (Point B) it doesn’t even go close. What am I doing wrong here? How does one use a M6D’s position property properly?

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So, all parts of your tank are welded by Motor6d’s? and you want to change the motor6d position of C0 of a part in tank to “Point B position”. But what is Point B part? An external part that doesn belong to tank? and that Point B position is a World Coordinate position of that part?

That will never work, cause motor6d needs a relative position, relative to where is welded, it wont accept a world coordinate.

Example, if you change pos of C0 of a motor6d, to 5 studs, that would be 5 studs away from its original position.
If you have a part in workspace with a coordinate position of 500, and you use that 500 to update the motor6d, that would be 500 studs away from the origin point of the motor6d.

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Damn, so how do I go about this then?

I want to create a tank that can rotate it’s cannon on top. And also be able to move (the entire model and rotate) and be able to tween from position to position. How would I go about this?

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Yep as @Dev_Peashie mentioned with the object space example.


Thank you, I read through just about all of your post. Maybe I missed it, but I didn’t see anything pertaining to how to move a part that contains welds or M6D.

How would I go about moving a part (base) like for example a car has a base and 4 wheels. If I move the base, I need to move the wheels with it. This part I can’t seem to figure out. If it’s in your tutorial though can you point out which part, I must of missed it if so. It’s hard to read that much text and keep focus on every aspect when it’s brand new information to me.

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What you mean?.. if the wheels are welded by WeldContraints or by Motor6d, the wheels will move along with the “base” primary part of the model

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I previously had that, and when I tried to change the Position of the part it instantly detatched all the welds and flung off.


local tweenService = game:GetService("TweenService")

local part1 = script.Parent

local part2 = game.Workspace.FacePart -- the destination part

local goal =

local info =, Enum.EasingStyle.Linear) -- Tween for 1 second with linear easing

local tween = tweenService:Create(part1.Base, info, {Position = goal})


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Thats because you are tweening the Position and not the CFrame.
If you tween the CFrame property all welded parts by a WeldConstraint will move along with the model, if you tween the position those parts will not move

Should be like this:
local goal = part2.CFrame
local tween = tweenService:Create(part1.Base, info, {CFrame = goal})


Oh that’s what I was doing wrong. Thank you both!


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