Question about unions

My friend has built a pretty detailed map with lots of parts and due to the number of parts, the game lags. Most of the buildings are just for decoration and the player can’t walk in them. Would unioning parts in a building that have the same material together cause any issues and can it reduce lag? Is it safe to union parts that aren’t touching but are near each other? Also none of the parts are cylinders, spheres, or NegativeParts.

I think it can reduce the lag, Union parts make the games more ‘organized’ if you know what I mean. And this can create less lag.

Parts are instanced and are your best bet when it comes to performance. Do not union parts together, this does not increase performance, the opposite actually.

If you have complex geometry, etheir use a third party 3D software like Blender as they give you better control over the overall efficiency of your model, or just go with parts. CSG parts don’t work well with complex geometry and will only decrease performance. Nothing but drawbacks unioning parts together, don’t do it.