[QUESTION] What is this weird static on the union?

The title says it all. Anything I union, no matter the material gets affected by this bug.

View the following gif to see what I mean. https://gyazo.com/ca8fc41c8baf3da0f820848dbfddb744


Could you post a model of one of these odd unions?

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Sure, here you go Model.rbxm (301.1 KB)

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Hmm. I had suspected that it would be some odd geometry which was made by unioning which happened to lead to z-fighting, but looking at the model in Blender that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Can’t seem to replicate the issue either. Separating and re-unioning the tower removes the noise for me, which would mean it’s something occurring on your end. Don’t really have a solution here, but perhaps this info could help someone else narrow down the issue.


The geometry of the union, and the texture of the union, because of its awkward union shape the texture appears static as the texture is somewhat stretched or out of place.

This happens to me quite a bit. Usually, I find it when I try and make a union to complex (with too much “surface” to cover). As @Veesom said, the textures tend to get stretched out.

If you have time to experiment a bit, I find sometimes un-unioning it and redoing it in various orders can help sometimes. Otherwise, you might just have to leave it as seperate parts and try to make it as seamless as possible. I hope this helps somewhat!

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Could you please post your model in this thread?


You’re probably getting this bug (or something similar to it):

One way of fixing this is to scale up your model before unioning it, unioning it, and then scaling it down to its original size.

Another way is to move the model very close to the origin (0, 0, 0) before unioning it.