Questions on Game Performance

Recently, I’ve noticed as I’ve expanded my game more and more, players on lower end devices have been experiencing higher and higher crash rates. My solution to this is to create two different game quality settings, normal and low.

However I have a few questions in regards to this. I’ll create a short list of them below:

  • If I want to remove parts from workspace, where should I store them so they don’t interfere with the player? I was thinking ServerStorage but I’m not sure.
  • Does fog work to reduce lag?
  • What other things besides reducing part count can I do to help mitigate lag in my game?

I am also curious about how I could see certain scripts and how much lag they cause.

Any help is appreciated.

This topic has been covered hundreds of times. Here is something that might help you.

I have of course looked at these topics, however I have not been able to get a clear and concise answer on:

  • Where the best place to store parts that I am not using is
  • Does fog actually help to reduce lag in games

I have not researched the last question as it was a last minute thought when making this post. It also can’t hurt to get a second opinion from people who have not posted on those threads before.

Obviously store parts either in server storage or replicated storage. Not sure if fog helps. I think it adds performance but I could be wrong.