Quick Chat for Xbox Help

Hello! I’ve created a script that allows for a quick chat between Xbox and other players in game, with a set of preloaded messages.

What I am trying to do is make it so that Xbox players can see other people chatting, is this possible?

i.e PC player says “Hello” in normal chat and it appears on Xbox.

My solution so far is to filter it and force the player to say it in a custom bubble chat system.

That is against the rules for games allowed on Xbox. They specifically state no chatting system at all for Xbox. I’m not even sure if quick chat is allowed :grimacing:

And the method about forcing the filtered bubble chats above player’s heads so xbox can see it might be against that rule but Im not sure. I would just leave it with no chat at all, as it isn’t even a decision made by ROBLOX to have no chat. Xbox themselves banned it.

tl;dr: probably not a good idea. I wouldn’t do it.


I’ve seen a couple games that allows you to send preloaded messages on xbox through a custom chat, I don’t think it’s against the rules as long as the preloaded messages are suitable for all ages.

but, I don’t think it’s OK to have xbox players see what PC or mobile players send, if those messages are not preloaded messages.