Quick donation board - Monetize in a snap!

This is difficult because you can’t charge a specific amount of robux based on user input. I will look into having a developer product for each unit group setup and then charge the products in order.

E.g you would set up a product for 1 robux, 10 robux, 100 robux, 1000 robux,

Then if you wanted to donate 1223 robux you would be charged 1000 twice, 100 twice, 10 twice, and 1 three times.


This is a resource I did not know about. I will look into implementing it.

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Update: This method requires an alternate account to own the place and the donation prompt takes about 15 seconds to pop up after you enter your amount. Although it’s a nice resource, I won’t be adding support for it because this would no longer be a “quick” donation board.

If you’re interested in customizing the board and adding support for it yourself, I’d love to see the final product!


How would I go about adding a top donator’s statue to this? I really love this idea by the way! :+1:


This is quite simple! You would need to use Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId. Here’s where:

In ServerScript Core, find the updateInternalBoard function. It has a for loop where it indexes through the ranks, look for the line for rank, data in ipairs(page).

To get the UserId in the for loop, you just need to reference data.key because the keys in the OrderedDataStore are just UserIds.

You could add a conditional statement checking if rank == 1 at the end of each loop, and if it is (meaning the current index is the #1 on the leaderboard) you could run this on the Humanoid of wherever your statue is:


Hope this helps!


This works perfectly! Thanks so much! :smile:


I don’t recall, is this an effective way for non-premium members to get paid?

I’m not sure there can be a definite answer to that because it depends on your player base—how willing they are to donate to you which coincides with how dedicated they are to your game.

The statue method that @Agoulstic decided to implement would actually be great in my opinion; being at the top of the leaderboard gets you a statue in game, and that can mean a lot to a player if it’s their favorite game.

I’m using this system in a game I plan to release in a few days so I’ll update this thread with the donation sale statistics after it’s been out for a bit. I also added the statue.


A statue for the highest donator? hm, pretty smart.

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Works really great! You saved me so much time thanks dude!


Decided I would add to this post because I received one question about it via PM today. At the initial release, I hadn’t tested it with two digit numbers and the rank test label would overlap with the player icon. I pushed a silent GitHub release that fixed this and move the icon further to the right. If you’re experiencing issues with this, just retake the board!

Could you perhaps make the place open source?

Sure, it’s now open. Remember to change the product ids when you put it in your game.

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Thank you alot! You did a really good job on this :slight_smile:

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Really nice! Is there a way for me to change the colours of the board? Not experienced in GUI so I don’t know how haha.
EDIT: Figured it out

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Wow. That’s incredibly professional, much better than the outdated @Nitefal one (it is unsupported now though). I don’t personally think I’ll end up using as my plugin is generally just easier for me as I don’t have to find and insert an asset.

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Can anyone give insight into how viable donations are as a monetization strategy?

I feel like they are redundant if there is a way to purchase in-game currency with robux: why would players pay for nothing when they can pay for something in return? They would still be supporting the game regardless.

Cool model nonetheless.

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i wont recommend donations too much, i used it before and i only got 15 rbx in ~6 months

That’s where the leaderboard part comes in. Players love to have their name in a game, and they love competing. Putting a statue for the top donator in a visible part of the game is also a great idea, and players with robux to spare will compete for the spot especially if it’s a game that consistently has players.

Games like Vibe NYC have made over a million robux solely from donations and having a leaderboard. The top donator there has given over 500k.

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