[R$10,000 Bounty] Random Data Loss

One thing I have confirmed is that there were other players on a server, so it doesn’t have to do with bind to close, will look at what you suggested nontheless, but it’s not the cause of the error.

The datastore service is a webservice and has a chance of failing, as a result, it’s important to check whether the service is up, as if it fails in the middle of a game session for a player, even though it checks for the service being up when the player joins, it doesn’t check whether it changes in the middle of a session. As a result, one can use :GetAsync(plr.UserId) as a sort of webservice status checker when pcalled ```lua
local success, _ = pcall(function()
if PlayerManager[plr][“DataSaving”] then
return PlrData:GetAsync(plr.UserId)
if not success then
PlayerManager[plr][“DataSaving”] = false
–Warn the player via gui
if PlayerManager[plr][“DataSaving”] then
–Run Code for saving

Could you follow up with your discord? I’d love to talk more on this, Possibly give my DataManager to review over and see some common errors.

Yep of course, it’s Bladian#6411

If it only happens in one of the games anything that’s the same between games can be eliminated. The issue must be coming from the scripts that require the module and use the function updateStatsToDatastore or the default data in insertPlayer.

I don’t know how much of the code in this module is the same between games but I would double check any lines that are different. Good luck!

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@BladianMC I private messaged you a possible solution, did you check it out yet?

Possibly because you used SetAsync without verifying previous data’s existance and logical sense, you would need to UpdateAsync to update the value.

I know that it’s for the bounty, but please post solutions in here so others can use it in the future. Even if it’s not the exact solution, it may help others.


It’s ridicoulously easy to set up and is far more powerful than the default datastore service.

I would suggest using DataStore2. It’s very useful and has more features than a normal datastore. Also, on your leaderboard, there is someone with a very high number of money. High numbers may cause some data saving scripts to behave oddly, so would check into that. My friend uses a data store script in his game:

  1. – Set up table to return to any script that requires this module script
  2. local PlayerStatManager = {}
  • local DataStoreService = game:GetService(“DataStoreService”)
  1. local playerData = DataStoreService:GetDataStore(“PlayerData”)
  • – Table to hold player information for the current session
  1. local sessionData = {}
  • local AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL = 60
  • – Function that other scripts can call to change a player’s stats
  1. function PlayerStatManager:ChangeStat(player, statName, value)
  2. local playerUserId = “Player_” … player.UserId
  3. assert(typeof(sessionData[playerUserId][statName]) == typeof(value), “ChangeStat error: types do not match”)
  4. if typeof(sessionData[playerUserId][statName]) == “number” then
  5. sessionData[playerUserId][statName] = sessionData[playerUserId][statName] + value
  6. else
  7. sessionData[playerUserId][statName] = value
  8. end
  9. end
  • – Function to add player to the “sessionData” table
  1. local function setupPlayerData(player)
  2. local playerUserId = “Player_” … player.UserId
  3. local success, data = pcall(function()
  4. return playerData:GetAsync(playerUserId)
  5. end)
  6. if success then
  7. if data then
  8. – Data exists for this player
  9. sessionData[playerUserId] = data
  10. else
  11. – Data store is working, but no current data for this player
  12. sessionData[playerUserId] = {Money=0, Experience=0}
  13. end
  14. else
  15. warn(“Cannot access data store for player!”)
  16. end
  17. end
  • – Function to save player’s data
  1. local function savePlayerData(playerUserId)
  2. if sessionData[playerUserId] then
  3. local success, err = pcall(function()
  4. playerData:SetAsync(playerUserId, sessionData[playerUserId])
  5. end)
  6. if not success then
  7. warn(“Cannot save data for player!”)
  8. end
  9. end
  10. end
  • – Function to save player data on exit
  1. local function saveOnExit(player)
  2. local playerUserId = “Player_” … player.UserId
  3. savePlayerData(playerUserId)
  4. end
  • – Function to periodically save player data
  1. local function autoSave()
  2. while wait(AUTOSAVE_INTERVAL) do
  3. for playerUserId, data in pairs(sessionData) do
  4. savePlayerData(playerUserId)
  5. end
  6. end
  7. end
  • – Start running “autoSave()” function in the background
  1. spawn(autoSave)
  • – Connect “setupPlayerData()” function to “PlayerAdded” event
  1. game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(setupPlayerData)
  • – Connect “saveOnExit()” function to “PlayerRemoving” event
  1. game.Players.PlayerRemoving:Connect(saveOnExit)
  • return PlayerStatManager

I would read some articles online to also find out what’s wrong. This issue may just be the game, because of the high number values. I hope you figure this out! I would also check out this article: Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub


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Hey, could you accept me on Discord? I’ve made several custom DataStore solutions before so I might be able to help more in-depth on there.

It’d be appreciated if people stopped moving off to Discord or private messages attempting to suggest resolutions to this problem. The forums are still a public resource so in posting your solutions here, you can help others experiencing similar troubles. It’s not in good faith to hide solutions.

On the topic of actually reviewing this module, I’d like to try going top down. There isn’t much information to work off of, especially no debugging information especially if it’s supposedly been debugged to the maximum, so that already provides me with an initial disadvantage. Do you even know where the problem is isolated to and when it happens? I am almost confident that it is anything but random. Your code is very deterministic.

The defaultStats table takes up 0.4% of your allowed value size per DataStore key. While this is less than 1%, there’s still the active concern of knowing how far you go until you start pushing to save wherein loss starts occurring. It’s not exactly clear if you hit any maximums or anything.

You have quite a bit of wiggle room with limitations but for the sake of making it clear what you’re doing and divorcing unrelated stats, I highly recommend using the scope part to break off into other DataStores and refining that default portion, unless you’re confident that your data will never surpass limits and you don’t receive errors in that regard, then that’s fine.

For the if statement after the player’s data is defaulted, hopefully you’ve also made sure to review this as well as if everything here is intended. If you want to be more specific about how this if statement is being evaluated, put brackets around operand pairs. If not, then it’ll just follow default evaluation. You might not be getting the results you want there.

Up until there, that portion of the code is for you to debug. I don’t know whether your saving process are fine and these is all moot recommendations where your only problem is supposedly data being randomly lost, or if there’s further problems in your code as well up to how you fetch and apply data. It’s worth checking if data even saves at all and whether or not it pulls properly.

One case I do recommend is that you switch to UpdateAsync from SetAsync and perform a literal transformation against saved data. UpdateAsync is guaranteed to be called multiple times internally until data saves (UpdateAsync queues it), while SetAsync is a one-and-done force data to apply and if it doesn’t, then it doesn’t.

For arrays, please use ipairs, not in next. That’s an old practice because the old VM for whatever ran that faster than ipairs. ipairs is idiomatic and the proper way to iterate through arrays. You have multiple instances where you use in next over ipairs, I’d switch.

All these things aside, they seem more like nitpicks than anything relevant towards solving the problem. That’s because there’s no information to go off of and you don’t have any provide, so actually trying to help you solve this beyond telling you to rewrite it and revise as you go is virtually the only thing that can be done.

Please try debugging further so you can have a better grasp at the problem and better information to provide. We only know as much as you do here without horribly butchering your code to even begin to find out where the problem is to make changes and see if that mitigates or removes the problem altogether.


@BladianMC the purpose of the forum is for people to help regardless of “bounties”, I suggest editing the title.

Anyways, what I said in my reply was my proposed solution.

GetAsync returns nil for inexistent data, so my suggestion was for him to use that as a check possibly, and then use UpdateAsync to update data that already exists.

For a better list of improvements check out @446576656C6F706572 's post above.


Mostly when I suggest going on discord / DMs it’s to prevent spamming on here, some problems require more in-depth conversation, and once solved I always reply with the solution for others to see and to end the thread. Not sure about others, but that’s how I do it. I personally think it’s better to discuss certain things away from the public until progress has been made, instead of flooding a thread with replies.

On the topic of the problem, it might be that you’re going over your DataStore budget resulting in the data not being saved. Your script shouldn’t go over the budget but there’s a good chance you make other DataStore requests in other scripts. Eg for things like leaderboards and codes. As you’re running a simulator, and those are almost always a feature. (Had this issue before.)

Therefore, the problem might be that you’re going over the budget, and whenever a player leaves it can’t and won’t save the data. If a player is new it might result in their data being lost completely due to it never being saved, if a player has played before their data would be “reset” to an older version as the changes are never saved. The best way to get around this is by either optimizing any DataStore requests and minimizing storing as much as possible, or creating a queue system that stores failed save attempts and tries again every x seconds until successful. It’s best to try both options at once.

Another thing to keep in mind is to try to not make duplicate save requests, when the data hasn’t changed you shouldn’t attempt to save it, this will reduce the number of DataStore requests you make as well as reducing possible problems resulting from that.

I might be wrong, but having made simulators before I’ve ran into a few similar issues so it might be worth looking into.

The issue might be related to going over your DataStore budget due to other scripts on top of this one, try to optimize any scripts that work with the DataStore system and queue failed save requests retrying them every x seconds until success. Whilst doing that, prevent save requests when the data hasn’t changed to preserve your DataStore budget and reducing any potential errors resulting from going over it.

Okay to fully answer the question.

I’m aware of the data store limit being 256,000 character, I can confirm that there is no way that the limit has been hit yet, I had an issue with the limit being hit, but it’s an entirely different problem.

I’ll attempt to use UpdateAsync, it seems like a valid thing to attempt, does it work with tables too?

Trust me, I’m not keeping you out of the dark for anything, doing my absolute best to get all the information possible.

I have nonetheless looked into moving to DataStore2 as it has a good name behind it, my only worry is Data not properly transferring.

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I denied by accident, if you can hit me up again, I’ll accept.

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Sent a new request, my username is just Dysche.

UpdateAsync does work with tables, yes. The difference is that UpdateAsync accepts a non-yielding function rather than a raw value and the value currently stored in the key you’re updating will be passed as a parameter to the function.

This function gets repeatedly called until data successfully saves. You’re encouraged to do transformations here since you’re given the old data to work with. At the end of everything though, you must return a value to be set in the DataStore. Return nil to cancel a write request.

-- old
DataStore:SetAsync(key, value)

-- new
DataStore:UpdateAsync(key, function(oldValue)
    -- doSomeWork
    return newValue

Slight edit of what someone sent me, this it?

local success, err = pcall(function()
	-- print("Setting all the data now", player.Name .. "(" .. playerId .. ")")
	if dataStore:GetAsync(player.UserId) ~= nil then  -- previous data exists,  
		print("Updating a player's stats now")
       dataStore:UpdateAsync(player.UserId, function(old)
		return Copy
       dataStore:SetAsync(player.UserId, Copy)
if not success then
	Attempts = Attempts or 1
	return Attempts < 10 and Module.updateStatsToDataStore(player, Attempts + 1)
	-- print("All data was set", playerId)

I think you can use DataStore2:

Includes BindToClose, and it prevents data loss (A system that many well known developers are using)

That is UpdateAsync but good lord that code… that doesn’t quite look right. SetAsync wouldn’t be required at all there. UpdateAsync can still write values to DataStores like SetAsync and UpdateAsync is being used like SetAsync anyway, so there wouldn’t be a need to change the used function based on what GetAsync returns. You can check it right from the old parameter.

Updated version of that:

local success, ret = pcall(function ()
    return dataStore:UpdateAsync(player.UserId, function(old)
        return Copy
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