R15 Default package IDs

Hey all! How does one get the IDs for the default R15 package? I hoped the package would be not for sale on the catalog but I couldn’t find it.


I really have no idea about R15 packages.

I’m not even sure if the default one is available - however, turning R15 on and running a solo test should give you all the assets and scales.

You can use the asset service to get package ids and animation pack ids with a script like this

for _,id in pairs(game.AssetService:GetAssetIdsForPackage(658839027))do
	game.InsertService:LoadAsset(id).Parent = workspace

this will insert the instances of the ninja animation pack into the workspace and should work for any package or animation pack

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I’m not looking for animation packs. I just want to be able to reference the default package

@AbstractAlex I see you were able to achieve this here. Could you share how you did it please?

But do you know the main package’s ID?

sorry misread, as emeraldslash mentioned, you could just use play solo mode

That still doesn’t get me the package ID or the limb IDs. The way packages on the catalog are referened is with 1 ID that I’m guessing holds a table of the limb IDs (4 of them) and the torso’s ID (1 of it) meaning 5 IDs in total. Going play-solo gets me the meshes (15 of them) but not the IDs i’m looking for.

The R15 block package is not uploaded to the site – you’ll have to code an ugly edge case into your code because even though Roblox uploaded the components to the site, they didn’t want to use the standard package system so you can’t access:

  • Updates to meshes (we’d just have a new assetId and your hardcoded asset would be the old one)
  • Updates to joints (meshes don’t include this information)
  • Updates to attachments (meshes don’t include this information)
  • Updates to textures if Roblox ever adds a default texture to the no-package

There’s this model which you can insert, but it’s not guaranteed to remain updated with R15. It’s already out-of-sync in fact:

  • MrGrey missing HumanoidRootPart.RootAttachment
  • MrGrey missing OriginalSize values for BaseParts
  • MrGrey missing Body/Head scale values in Humanoid
  • MrGrey missing “Status” model in Humanoid
  • MrGrey BodyBackAttachment CFrame not updated
  • MrGrey LeftAnkleRigAttachment CFrame not updated
  • MrGrey RightAnkleRigAttachment CFrame not updated
  • MrGrey LeftAnkle C1 not updated
  • MrGrey RightAngle C1 not updated
  • MrGrey missing LeftFootAttachment (feet accessories incoming?)
  • MrGrey missing RightFootAttachment

You’re going to have to manually insert a blank R15 character into your game and update it whenever Roblox updates the package. I might write a bot to publish and automatically and update the no-package so that this is less painful, but don’t delay your project waiting for that.

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Alright thanks! Was trying to avoid hardcoding but I guess it can’t be helped. Guess i’ll get started on this then :stuck_out_tongue: