R$15,000 how to advertise the clothing group and earn consistent sales

Hi there i created a clothing group known as Xanz! and I want to invest R$15,000 robux initially to ads, Here some questions that I need assistance with

Here is the link : Xanz! - Roblox

  1. Is the too much or too less to invest in a clothing group
  2. How much robux should I bid in ads per ad
  3. Should I advertise daily/weekly with what ammount of robux per day
  4. Are they any other tips you have?

Stay Safe


So I’ve checked out your group and I think I have some feedback. First off, your clothing (not talking different variations) is very limited; in order to progress I would recommend first growing the number of clothes you sell hopefully earning more money and community members. Next off, if your whole budget is 15K, I’d recommend making a game. With the money you get from new clothes you can do like 10K/day in ads hopefully. Pretty much only want to spend 10% of your earnings on ads if its under 100K. Remember word of mouth is a lot cheaper to get members. I’d recommend using that so when your ads run people see a more populated group. I also would ONLY advertise during weekends or Hollidays and not during Adopt Me updates.


i think 50 robux would be a good choice, so it will be like 1 time in a page every 4-7 pages

i’m not very sure about this but how much robux bid, how more impressions.

The clothing is not done yet my designers are still making the clothing, I am planning to have at least more than 30 clothing before the release which will be anytime before christmas,
I dont quite understand your reason for me making a game, are you saying I make a game then advertise it, then I sponsor the clothing group by linking it in the game so that people join ?

In my opinion, in your groups current state as of right now, R$15,000 is too much to invest in advertisements. Your group has less than 10 clothing items, and has less than 30 members. If you still want to bid for advertisements, I would recommend R$100 per day, just to be safe, making sure your budget isn’t wasted. I am saying this because small groups are less likely to have more members join, especially clothing groups that don’t have much clothing.

Advertising 7 days a week may sound like a good idea, but I wouldn’t recommend it. To be honest, I wouldn’t recommend advertising at all.

My few other tips for you are basic.

Have more members join your group. You can do this by advertising for free using this game.

Create more clothing products, such as shirts, pants, T-Shirts, etc. You can even go as to using copied clothing. It’s not great to do so, but can earn you revenue quickly.

Get rid of the high rank roles. You don’t need 4 different customer ranks. I would recommend having one rank as a “Customer”, one rank as a “Loyal Customer”, one rank as a “Clothing Designer”, one rank as a “Moderator”, and then your owner rank. That’s 5 ranks, and that’s all you need. To be honest, you don’t even need a high rank customer.

To ensure that players will continue to buy clothing from your group, perhaps you could make clothing your customers request. A group I joined makes clothing by request only, and ensures that the customers are buying what they want.

One thing you can also do is create a game. Creating a game where players can enter it, look at clothing, try it out, and then purchase it can help you earn a bit more revenue, and get your group more known.

Make sure your not using your budget out of context. If you are advertising, like I said before, don’t blow it all on advertisements that wont get your group anything. Don’t spend that robux on other items for your personal use. I would recommend keeping a specific amount of your robux as a budget number. For example, if you have 100,000 robux, use around 10-20 percent of it as your budget. The rest you can use for whatever else you want it for. Of course, you spend your own robux as you want, but I wouldn’t want you to blow it all and get nothing out of it.

These were all of the tips I have for you. Best of luck to the future of Xanz!


Very Powerful tips! , Thanks very much

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I’m gonna have to disagree with part of point 2. Definitely have a variety of products for people to choose from. Customers will be a lot more likely to find something they like. HOWEVER, please NEVER COPY other people’s clothing. It is super scummy and frowned upon to do that and I personally am not interested in ever supporting anyone who copies or endorses copying.


I do agree with you. But I did say it’s not good to copy others clothing, it’s a simple way for you or anyone else to earn revenue quickly and easily. For me, I wouldn’t want to copy clothing. For others, it’s just their way of getting robux with little to no effort.

But as I said I do believe this whole copy and paste clothing thing is a terrible thing to do.

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True, it may be simpler since you don’t have to put in a ton of working making a bunch of clothes but it’s very unethical and I personally would never even suggest it as an option.