What is RADIUS?
Deriving from the Latin word of “Ray”, RADIUS is currently the fastest path tracer on Roblox and is the first one to introduce PBRs (Physically Based Rendering) natively without rasterization. It extensively uses parallel luau and OSGL to leverage its speeds.
OSGL is an EditableImages wrapper for Roblox which is also the fastest graphics library available on Roblox. RADIUS serves to be the flagship of OSGL by demonstrating most of its features.
Why make RADIUS?
RADIUS was initially inspired by filiprodak’s raytracing test place, and it is the spiritual successor to my first Raytracing Engine place which surpassed 8K+ visits, but many bugs are known and still is unfinished. RADIUS aims to be better in every way, and to represent as a more complete product. The main catalyst for this project was Sebastian Lague’s video on the subject.
Who is making RADIUS?
As of now, I am responsible for the raytracing itself and Vector3 math optimization. Luau optimizations goes to the main contributors of OSGL. There are also countless contributors and supporters throughout suggesting ideas including but not limited to:
How performant is RADIUS?
Currently, RADIUS outperforms all other raytracers. Our goal is to make it easy to navigate the workspace by providing a real-time preview of the scene. In a simple scene, we can achieve 30FPS+ on a 256² display*. In a more complex scene, we can render 2048 samples on a 1024² screen under 15 minutes*.
*Tested using an intel i5-12600K; performance varies across hardware. Complexity of scenes vary render speeds.
Where is RADIUS?
RADIUS is still being developed and optimized. Once we feel like it is ready, we will open source the whole project! Some of the planned features are:
- PBR Materials
- Albedo/Color
- Normal maps
- Roughness
- Metalness
- Traditional Materials
- Diffused and Specular reflections
- Transparency / Refraction
- Emission
- Post-processing
- Denoisers
- Bloom
- (Anti-aliasing is done without post-processing)
- Spheremaps
- sRGB implementation; HDR is not planned
- Dynamic workspace
- Changing colors in real-time
- Changing materials in real-time
- Changing environments in real-time (spheremaps)
- UI
- Render preview
- Object editor
- Resizing render resolutions
- Support for higher resolutions (>1024²)