Ragdoll knockback doesn't look smooth on the clients view

I know you selected a solution, but you could try doing it manually is what I wanted to say.

local rs = game:GetService("RunService")
local function apply_impulse(assembly, force) -- assembly is char, force is a vector3
  local parts = assembly:GetChildren()
  for i=#parts,1,-1 do if not parts[i]:IsA("BasePart") then table.remove(parts,i) end end
  local times, con = 3,nil
  con = rs.Stepped:Connect(function(time,dt)
    local vel = force/times
    times = times - 1
    for i,v in ipairs(parts) do
      v.Velocity = vel*v:GetMass()
    if times<=0 then con:Disconnect() end
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Thanks for the help, but unfortunately this has the same hiccup effect, I have done a couple of tests and I the issue stems from how roblox replicates the forces that nteract with my ragdoll constraints, because the server sees it as it should be, but the clients see it with the hiccup.

Source of the problem is how I did the ragdoll, i made a better ragdoll script for all to use:


Im making a fighting game but it uses r15 ragdoll, what changes were made that were essential to limiting lag so I can replicate

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