[ARCHIVED] Ragdoll Service For All Rig's & Temporary Ragdoll's

can you send me a link to the place where this problem occurred?


Sure, ill send you a messsage.

Add a Grab Feature, Like other players can Grab your hands when you are ragdolled

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It’s a ragdoll service not a game framework, thanks.


  • Reworked on framework of the module
  • Added If RENDER_CHARACTERS_ON_CLIENT consant is disabled then module set’s network ownership to player of rootpart on humanoid died (Because roblox change’s network ownership to server on humanoid died)
  • Imported to GitHub & Wally
  • Model Updated
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You can check this tutorial.



I’ll be using for my other horror games!


Small Update

  • Demo place updated
  • Downloads updated
  • Active Ragdoll place added to demo places

Hi, in the demo “simple service usage” place if I use any r6 startercharacter the character resets and dies when ragdolling. pls help

This still is an issue for me.

Where is the setup information?

Just require the module on server and client.

Why i get this error when i jump from the baseplate:
ReplicatedStorage.RagdollService.Shared.Utils.character:36: attempt to index nil with ‘CustomPhysicalProperties’

I found this ROBLOX made ragdoll module chilling inside the CoreGui Util scripts
RagdollRigging.lua (20.8 KB)


it’s just for rigging not a ragdoll system framework

I tested it and it’s a ragdoll. That is not toggleable.
OfficialRagdolls.rbxm (16.0 KB)
But I did also make my own Ragdoll that is a toggleable ragdoll system framework that is no where near as complicated as yours. But I did use your ragdoll limb angle limits as a reference. Sorry wrong post meant to post that comment on a different post.

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does this work with skinned mesh characters?

yes it is if you rigged the character

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rigged it how? with motor6ds? or with bones? does it have to be rigged like an r15 character or can it be any skinned mesh?

any rigged skinned mesh. you can change constraint info to be compatible with your rig