Any update on this? It’s been almost three weeks and I still can’t look through my favorite games list without a bunch of random clothing articles replacing the games I want to play.
I think it’s considered a low priority bug, so it might take a few weeks-months for it to be fixed, if it’s too much of a bother for you, then here’s a java script function that I wrote which deletes the catalog items on microsoft edge (might need to tweak a bit for a different browser)
function RemoveRobloxInventoryAds() {
let FOR_ROBLOX_ID = "assetsItems"
if (document.URL.includes('') && document.URL.includes('favorites')) {
let PAGE = document.getElementById(FOR_ROBLOX_ID);
if (PAGE.children == null) {return}
for (index in PAGE.children) {
let child = PAGE.children[index] ; if (child.children == null) {continue};
let ElementThatStoresHREF = child.children[0].children[0]
if (ElementThatStoresHREF.href != null && ElementThatStoresHREF.href.includes('')) {
// console.log(ElementThatStoresHREF.href)
I should mention though, this is my first time using java script so I apologize if it’s buggy or looks ‘nooby.’
Happy to share that this bug has been resolved! If you encounter any further issues, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
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