Random map generation

Right now I am making a backrooms-type game, but I am trying to figure out a way to make an infinitely generated map server-sided. How can I do it?


This might help you

I have tried it, I have a lot of issues whit it. First when chunks unload and you walk back they are completely different. Second issue is that some parts are duplicated for some reason. Here is my file:
Broken.rbxl (37.3 KB)

If you want the chunks to stay the same, you’ll have to save them somehow but it’s going to take alot of data storage…

This might come handy to you:


Is that possible to make infinite?

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I would assume yes, you could work out a mechanism to make it infinite.

I haven’t followed the tutorial myself so I don’t know the system well enough to teach you how.

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How exactly? Do you have to connect the rooms somehow?

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Well if you want to optimize the game, which you should do, then you should have some kind of a chunk system that can despawn and respawn the generated walls as needed.

This complicated stuff, which I don’t think you should get into at this point.

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Oh okay, but thanks for the help tho!

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