Random streaks are in the Ghostdeeri texture from this item by Roblox, refer to the images below.
Unusual texture mapping with straight color changes which isn’t smooth.
Link to item.
Expected behavior
No streaks and a clear texture.
Random streaks are in the Ghostdeeri texture from this item by Roblox, refer to the images below.
Unusual texture mapping with straight color changes which isn’t smooth.
Link to item.
Expected behavior
No streaks and a clear texture.
This may not get a fix because as said many times, “We aren’t updating items created more than 6 months”. I wouldn’t expect it to get fixed, but I’d be shocked if it was.
Yeah, the main issue I find with this is a clear change in color that isn’t shown on any other pumpkins in the series. Specifically, below the image shows of the mapping on the mesh and you can see where it clearly changes.
The reason behind this texture bug is the texture of Ghosdeeri being lower quality compared to Dusekkar and Doomsekkar as shown in this bug report
Unfortunately they refused to fix the texture
(Copying my reply from another thread reporting the same issue)
Thank you for flagging this. As some folks have mentioned, we are not making aesthetic changes like this at this point in time. We are not disagreeing that it could look better. The reasons we’re not making these changes are:
Thank you for your understanding.