Random teleport after reset

there are currently 2 scripts in the game, that’s all, the second script is about texture

Have you tried using the MoveTo function instead of setting the humanoid’s position manually.


have you tried to reset without teleporting?

yes, but the problem appear just i touched the portal

example??? for understand where is possible resolving

I copied your code into studio really quick, created some test parts and changed out this line:

Touch.Parent:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Position = position

for this line:


This seems to fix that issue for me.

thx a lot of help, this is the solution, but such a question, can this script collide with the future portals that will appear in the game?

Multiple parts having this script shouldn’t cause any issue I can think of.
I would suggest using tags and the CollectionService to implement this though.

Resource if you’ve never used tags:
CollectionService in a nutshell - Resources / Community Tutorials - Developer Forum | Roblox