Hey developers! I have been seeing a lot of people talking about rank ups no longer happening. So let’s talk about that and discuss how we think they can bring this back and make it even better.
I know there is already a thread talking about PA that can be found below in the replies. But that does not give all the awnsers as to the future of the regular rank and ranking up in general. From what I have seen around the forum people have said that you can no longer rank up to regular and this has me very confused.
Is there no longer a way to rank-up on the forum? I know that you can still become a member but after that does it not happen anymore?
Hope this will bring a good discussion. ~crew
Bring Back Rank Ups
Don’t Bring Back Rank Ups
Sorry that this post was considered off-topic. I really wanted to just have a conversation because becoming a regular is something I strive to achieve. This topic will now just be what we think the DevRel team should do to make the rank-up system better when it comes back.
My dude, you can no longer rank-up to a regular automattically. They also turned off the ability to anyone under the regular rank to post in certain areas because it was stressing the PA team out.
I’ve never thought about this before, and you’re right. I can no longer post in #platform-feedback. There was this very annoying bug that recently happened and i couldn’t do anything about it.
Yeah, I actually saw a post on a #forum-feedback thread by @DMCPEPlays that really got me thinking like wow I never noticed that we cant post there anymore.
Theres no longer a way to rank-up, maybe you could become a regular if your a famous developer but thats really the only way now, hopefully they bring it back soon because theres a lot of people on the DevForum who really deserve to rank-up.
Feedback is cool and all, but the thing that a lot of people want is to see the lounge and to have that status of wow, that person is a good developer and they know what they are doing.
No more rank ups is temporary. They will return once dev relations establishes a new system that will replace Post Approval and Community Editors. They’ll come back soon or when the new system is in place.
Nothing will change except for PA.
No one knows what their replacement is, so there’s not much point in taking blind guesses.
Once their PA alternative is released, Regular promotions will continue.