Ranking System in Devforum?

How do I access places like lounge, being a New Member myself.

I’m asking this as my post got moved to an area where I can’t access, I contacted the LTC but 4 days no reply.

If anyone can help me out thank you! I will close this after as this may cross as out of topic.

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we as New Members cannot access categories that are only visible to Full Members. So the only way to access the lounge would be to get promoted to Full Member.

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This is correct. The lounge is the only place where post approval requests are not accepted.
If it is something Roblox-related that you want to discuss with an open community, there are other avenues like /r/roblox. If it is anything else, there should be other communities more focused on the topic.

Generally this means it’s moved to a topic inaccessible to all non-leader roles such as ‘off-topic and spam’. These are for moderation purposes only. Moving topics to lounge is, from my knowledge, never done if the original poster would be unable to access it there.

I believe buildthomas already answered your concern in a recent thread that got unlisted:

The post you made doesn’t fit in the support categories, nor Forum Feedback, nor Development Discussion (wasn’t about a development topic), so it was moved to Lounge which is not currently accessible to new members. In the future please write in with post approval so that we can warn about it not being appropriate for any new member category beforehand. Sorry for the inconvenience.

You’re technically asking the same thing that’s already been answered, such as not having access to your topic. It’s also a mistake on your part for posting in the wrong category to begin with. All of us members of the forum are required to know the basic rules to avoid situations like this.

Your topic was also moved there possibly because it deals with very sensitive information such as asset theft which should be handled by much more trusted members of the forum.

Also, just in case you’re interested, there’s a discord server for new members, I think you can bring up the discussion there regarding the asset theft, however I’m not a regular discord user, so I’d personally check the rules first before initiating the discussion.

Additionally, 4 days without a reply from the TLCs is a normal thing, their role as TLC is just voluntary, they’re not paid to provide their quality service, they have other things to do in their life as well.

@realAndrea_Horwath has given a proper solution to your issue, and that’s the only way you can continue your presence in your discussion. If you’d like more details on how to get promoted, you may search for posts as there are a lot that provide information on how to get promoted.


Thanks, will intake this information and actually read the rules haha, this is really useful information and I can finally try to understand this forumn page! Thanks so much.

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