I’ve been having problems with a rarity system, and so I’m wondering what can I do to fix it? As I have defined the array needed, and I have followed the proper steps as shown to me by another dev forum member. However, despite this, it is still throwing an error each time I try to print the function linked to the rarity system. Below you will find the erroneous code responsible for this.
local MultiplierArray = {
Rock = 0.35,
IronOre = 0.25,
GoldOre = 0.1,
AzureOre = 0.01,
local function chooseIndex(MultiplierArray)
local weightedSum = 0
for i, v in pairs(MultiplierArray) do
weightedSum += v
local random = Random.new()
local rnd = random:NextNumber(0, weightedSum)
for i,v in pairs(MultiplierArray) do
if rnd <= v then
return i
rnd -= v
That’s because you’re connecting the function directly to PlayerAdded. PlayerAdded will pass anything it gives into that function when it fires, so your “instance” in this case was the player object.
Really simple change, just don’t link the function and connection so closely so you can use variables outside:
Or instead of doing that you can just remove the MultiplierArray parameter from the function entirely because there’s no reason for it to be there in the first place.
There may not be a reason in this current example, but it’s better to keep it as a variable in case a different table needs to get fed through (Like a different multiplier array from a different activity).
I made a post a long time ago that explains what you have to do to ensure your player (and character) get properly hooked into code. You have to handle the players that exist after connection. If a player is already in the game and then you connect the function, it’s not going to run the code for that player since it already exists.
for _, v in Players:GetPlayers() do
Keep in mind that the principle of what I’m saying is there, but that doesn’t mean it’s the best code. For example, since chooseIndex() is not reliant on a specific player instance, you could just run the function once after the connection and be done.