Rate My Door + Opinion on Pricing?

Hi, I finished a wooden door recently and was wondering what sort of feedback it would receive. I was also wondering what sort of price I could offer this type of asset for individually. I plan on making more house-themed assets, like furniture, decoration, etc. of similar quality and functionality. The door is scripted with a simple tweening Open/Close script that I wrote, here it is in action:



More Screenshots and Closeups

There isn’t much else to it, the meshes are purely cosmetic, the only functional thing with the model is the click to open/close. It is of course using a debounce so the door cannot be spammed open/closed.

A simple rating #/10 and your opinion on a fair price for this door would be very much appreciated, thank you! I look forward to your opinions on this, I had fun making it! :slight_smile:


I believe it is a solid 7/10. A fair price (I would pay) would be… anywhere from 50-100R (Assuming it is completely bug free :stuck_out_tongue:)

Nit picks: The door looks to be to big compared to a block rig, though that could be a style choice some clients may prefer!

The design is fairly light (I am a fan of small details), but again every client has different tastes. Wouldn’t be too hard to find somebody who was wanting this exact door.

Very good work!


If you read this thread, “simple ratings” are highly discouraged.

The door is nice but the colour needs work as it’s too discoloured in my opinion. Desaturation is a good thing to have to make it more realistic. The windows should also have a pattern on them.

What’s the point, exactly, of asking how much you could sell it for? It’s a single door – it’s not going to fetch much money and I think you should focus on trying to improve your building rather than obsessing over ratings and prices. This is Building Support, after all.

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I would give it an 7/10.

I give it this as the door has both functionality and a good solid design, with all the essential details a door would need such as the windows, door handles, lock details and small details such as the negated part towards the bottom that gives it even more beauty.

I think it very much depends on your end goal with the model. If you are building a house which has a cartoonish/ low poly(ish) to it, I think a design like this is optimal. However if you are trying to build a more medium to high detailed build I would recommend you consider having more detailing, such as the windows having more shape such as rounded corners or framing the glass, and perhaps minor details like a letter box drop.

Nonetheless, I think the design is very good.

Ayeee, the door looks good built! And i really like the opening animation :yum:. If there’s no bugs i would price it at 100-300 Robux. Btw 7/10 :slight_smile:

If the door is just an open/close, I see the keypad redundant. If you gave it some function, then it would fit in with the door. Also, pretty sure the door handle is supposed to be joined with the keypad.

I would either sell this with a house/apartment, individually I would only sell it with the functioning keypad. Since it’s pretty easy to make a functioning door like this, you could also YouTube it and make it with ease.

It’s a nice door overall.

8/10. Door looks fantastic, the animations are smooth. Considering there’s no bugs with the door, I’d price it in the 120-350 robux range.