Rate my first low poly tree in blender

Hello DEVFORUM, could you guys rate my low poly tree and give me feedback on how I could improve it.


I need to mention that you shouldn’t call this low poly:

Anyways, for the actual feedback - Trees can be tough to make, but if you need a whole forest of tree assets, there’s a few things you can do to make your trees quickly while still looking good enough:

First, get the trunk, and at each extended segment, rotate it on Z by 5-10 degrees. That “spin” usually looks more visually pleasing than vertical lines.

Next, select the lines connecting the segments, and rotate those too

After that, take those same line segments, and mass move them (the G Key) off center just slightly. Since many trees aren’t entirely straight, this gives them a good bend.

And then just keep practicing and working at different types from there! And remember, this is a flat shading style :stuck_out_tongue:


Thanks for the feedback, Ill definitely use this trick.

Actually, The building there has a low tri count, therefore making it low poly. Even though it is still arguable of what low poly really means here, the community refers to it as what it is.

Anyway, to feedback on the picture! The tree there seems like it was an extruded circle with the sides set to 5, then another extrusion for the branches. This workflow is okay, but it seems you haven’t used any reference image. Also the bottom part is kinda weird looking.


Great Build :smiley: Mightism Can`t Wait Too see More Cool Buildings

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Thanks for the feedback :smiley:

In my opinion I feel as though the leaves should be bigger with the height of the trunk. Other than that it looks great! :+1:

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