Ray cast does not work

Raycast just does not work, I dont know what to do now,
cf is an actual cframe not from a part but a variable.

please help
Ray.new( (cf + cf.LookVector * 3).p , cf.RightVector * 40)

Ray.new() is deprecated. Try using WorldRoot:Raycast()

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But i need to ignore certain items, can it ignore?

You can set collision groups in RaycastParams

This will get you started.

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Ray.new still works but is technically deprecated

If you want to use workspace:Raycast there’s many tutorials on how to do it, it can whitelist and blacklist parts easily if you know how

If you want to still use ray.new you’ll have to show your entire code relating to the raycast like where you’re actually casting it and setting up the settings for the raycast

I’m sure we’d all be glad to help you with either of these things if you need it

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             local studs = 1
						for i = 100, 1, -1 do
							local raycastParams = RaycastParams.new()
							raycastParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Whitelist
							raycastParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {victim.Parent, script.Parent}
							raycastParams.IgnoreWater = true

							local part = workspace.Part
							local raycastResult = workspace:Raycast((cf + cf.lookVector * walls.Size.Z/1.5 + cf.RightVector * studs).p, cf.RightVector * studs + cf.lookVector * walls.Size.Z/1.5 , raycastParams)

							if raycastResult then

	                        local raycast = Ray.new((cf + cf.lookVector * walls.Size.Z/1.5 + cf.RightVector * studs).p, cf.RightVector * studs + cf.lookVector * -walls.Size.Z/1.5 )
							local barr,pos,nor = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(raycast, {victim.Parent, script.Parent})
							if not barr and not raycastResult then	
								amountmisses = amountmisses + 1
								placemissed = (cf + cf.lookVector * walls.Size.Z/1.5 + cf.RightVector * (studs + 8)).p		
							if barr then 
							studs = studs + 1

ok so i do admit im doing something complex hopefully it is understandable but it doesnt seem to work

Nevermind it worked because of Paramsl, just took a while for it to work

ill have to take it back, still doesnt work

Is this a roblox bug because there seems to be nothing wrong with the code

What issue specifically are you having?

the raycast would not work, imagine this, u want the red part position to detect the white while and the direction is the blue parts position, but instead u dont say part.Position and instead the position is a variable

local cframe = part.CFrame.p
then use that in the ray, for me it doesnt seem to work and it’s irritating, i’ve been getting alot of different bugs this week and its demotivating me right now.

This is the code i had

                   local raycast2 = Ray.new((cf + cf.lookVector * walls.Size.Z/1.5 ).p, (cf  + 
                      cf.RightVector * -studs + cf.lookVector * walls.Size.Z/1.5 ).p)
							local barr2,pos2,nor2 = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(raycast2, 
                      {victim.Parent, script.Parent})

	                        local raycast = Ray.new( (cf + cf.lookVector * walls.Size.Z/1.5 + cf.RightVector * -studs).p,  cf.RightVector * -studs + cf.lookVector * -walls.Size.Z/1.5)
							local barr,pos,nor = workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(raycast, {victim.Parent, script.Parent})
							if not barr and not barr2 then
								amountmisses2 = amountmisses2 + 1
								placemissed2 = (cf + cf.lookVector * walls.Size.Z/1.5 + cf.RightVector * -(studs + 8)).p

studs is just a number that increases by 1 every 0.03 seconds and its in an i = 500, 1, -1 loop
and it just does not work

if raycast2 detects something then raycast does not work

Do you want to cast to the blue part?

that was just an example my code is alot more complex that that, i used a ray to detect a block, got its normal and the side it hit. In this case the ray hit the back of the part

So now we have the part, the normal and the side

we will make a cframe out of the parts position and ray’s normal

Cframe.new(parts.Position, parts.Position + n)

get the size of the axis it hit which is Z in this case
so u can get the front of the part
Cframe.new(parts.Position, parts.Position + n) + Cframe.new(parts.Position, parts.Position + n).lookVector * (part.Size.Z/1.5)

now we make another cframe but this time making it to the right

Cframe.new(parts.Position, parts.Position + n) + Cframe.new(parts.Position, parts.Position + n).lookVector * (part.Size.Z/1.5) + Cframe.new(parts.Position, parts.Position + n).RightVector * side

in this case side is 11 which means 11 studs to the right of that cframe

after that we change both to a position

(Cframe.new(parts.Position, parts.Position + n) + Cframe.new(parts.Position, parts.Position + n).lookVector * (part.Size.Z/1.5)).p

(Cframe.new(parts.Position, parts.Position + n) + Cframe.new(parts.Position, parts.Position + n).lookVector * (part.Size.Z/1.5) + Cframe.new(parts.Position, parts.Position + n).RightVector * side)

and we make a ray with it

but all that work that was done is just pointless. the ray just does not work. hope u can see why im irritated right now it is supposed to work and just decided not to.

if u want to know what my code is, its a path finder and i dont want to use pathfinding service instead i have to use rays