Raycast Hitbox 4.01: For all your melee needs!

I have an issue with your hitbox. It fails to register. Alot. I’m not sure why but it does.
Please help.

Same issue i’m having. Not sure why it works for some and others it doesn’t.

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How could I print the name of a part it hits, even if it’s not a body part, like let’s say a special block.

nahh bro stole all of the animations from criminality!

anyway, client cast is just the worse version of raycast, you can see the noticable delay yourself, and your better off making your own exploiter prevention


I’m a fan of the game if you havent noticed yet lol.

Yeah im not saying which one to use but I havent even tried Client Cast yet so I wouldn’t really know the difference.

Hey! Thanks for the wonderful module.

How can I make a right-click to block system?

This can be fixed by loading your animations earlier. It worked for me, at least.

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very cool. will try this out

learn to script :troll:

try preloading your animations


Sufferinf from the exact same problem, the reliability is off. I’m not sure why.

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I’m having trouble creating a combat system
how could i use ray cast for this

I’ve tried doing this
please let me know!

local char = plr.Character
	local arm = char:WaitForChild("Right Arm")
	local Hitbox = RaycastHitbox.new(arm)
	Hitbox.Visualizer = true
	--[[local att = Instance.new("Attachment")
	att.Name = "DmgPoints"
	att.Parent = arm]]
		if hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") then

Hi! I am thoroughly enjoying your module, and is the foundation of hitbox detection in my fighting game! I have been having a great time, but there is one request that would make my experience a whole lot better. Currently, Hit Points are detected via the name of the attachment “DmgPoint”. I have many many groups of one hitbox all in one object, so It’s very tedious to identify all of them by group since they all have the same name. If there was an option for the module to identify attachments by an attribute instead of its name, I could change the names of different groups of hitboxes to be easier to identify.

Help! If I activate the weapon and then quickly unequip it then I get an output error which points out that Hitbox is nil (on the Hitbox:Stop line). How can I fix this?

Thank you for reading!

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Hey, I’m making a fighting game and I use your module. But when I create a hitbox in the server side, it’s making my game like, do you have any solution for it please?
Thanks you.

umm did you read your sentence ?

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Question: Let’s say I create a LocalScript that has a Hitbox created by RaycastHitbox.new. If the LocalScript is Destroy:()’d, will the Hitbox automatically be destroyed too or do I have to destroy it before the LocalScript is destroyed? I don’t want to cause any memory leaks.

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You must :Destroy() in order to destroy the hitbox.

Hope it helps!

Hitboxes are super unreliable. Randomly hitboxes don’t register even while standing still. Any fix to this?

edit: Just use clientcast. ClientCast - A Client-based, Idiosyncratic Hitbox System! - #146 by caviarbro

How would you go about fixing hitboxes sometimes not working. Randomly hits don’t register and I don’t know why.

Just curious. Have you discovered a solution to this yet or have found a module that does better than this one? My game is at a dead end because of this. If you have any suggestions of other modules that would be very helpful.

How would I add tag to distinc if a player killed another player for leaderboards?

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