Raycast Hitbox 4.01: For all your melee needs!

I’ve been using this module for a while, but still can’t figure out why it cannot detect normal parts(aka it detects only humanoids). If anyone has an idea on how to fix this, you are welcome.

Help! The hitbox doesnt work on my first hit. I am not using a traditional tool, but a server script to handle attacks. I generate a new hitbox each attack and destroy it at the end. The first attack the hitbox shows red lines, and successfully start and stop hits, but there is no detection. Any attack after that has perfect detection. What is happening?!

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you certainly seem to have missed the deadline of two weeks lol
any news regarding it would be great, because I’m about to implement a bunch of hitbox related stuff, and would rather not have to change it when the update is out


Does deleting the Part which is casting the hitbox will also delete the Hitbox itself?

Hello! Any updates on this new Shape Cast module?

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Yes if you delete the part creating the hitboxs the hitbox stops working so it gets deleted as well.

Yeah theres actually some news about the Shape Cast module. Phin mentioned that the RaycastHitbox module isnt being updated anymore but they have released a new module that supports shapecasting.It is already up on GitHub if you want to check it out. There isnt full test yet but you can look into the Types.luau file to get a look for how things work. Its early and Phin wants to improve it.Definitely worth to look it up Phin has already made a video this is it https://youtu.be/TwUQ_19fdiE

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i use setPoints for setting attachments, but how do i make their children as my hitbox?
(i wanted create 2 attachments and link them) (if setPoints there isnt any attachments under my hitbox)


This system is amazing!

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Do you know why the raycast doesn’t follow the NPC’s animation, while it works fine when the player use it? By the way, the animation is run on the client.

Interesting… I’m having the exact same problem after destroying the hitboxes and the parent object that they’re inside.

When the model was loaded back again using :Clone() it caused this issue.

It seems .new() returned nil instead of the hitbox.

Have you gotten around this issue?

This entire system has completely made implementing a melee system into my game SO MUCH MORE EASIER plus it’s server-side so it’s more secure too!

I definitely recommend this

did a small donation :slight_smile:


Has the new module been released? Could you provide more details on its current status?

how to fix the hit detection delay, even when I use clientside hit detection it still delays 1 second, maybe because Im using skinned mesh for the tool? but for the Hitbox part, I use the normal part

Im running into the same issue as well. First hit on a new enemy is successful 70% of the time. The other 30% will miss a hit detection entirely. Seems to be some initialization issue.

After some digging I realized there were some PRs on github to address this issue. Theres 2 PRs which fix this bug and improves accuracy of the hits:

Now I can always hit mob on first hit whereas before raycasts make completely miss even though a register should have occured.

Check my github for latest patches. Download version 4.01a


Oh my gosh like a year later and I have my answer… thank you very much.

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why i am not able to use multiple hitboxes on one part

What use case do you have for requiring multiple hits? Can you provide an example?

Is anyone else getting a bug where the faster the DmgPoints are moving, the less accurate they are?

In this video:

The dummy should be out of range of the DmgPoints, yet hits are registered when I increase the animation speed.