RaycastResult returning nil

Nope. Just the upper torso of the hostile model.

Following this (bad) scheme, would the Raycast return a wall?

Nope It won’t. (234587216348791263487123 extra characters so i can send it)

Might you use the following code and see the raycast?

local origin = Hostile.Raycastpoint.Position
local direction = Humanoid.RootPart.Position
local result = workspace:Raycast(origin, direction, rp)

if result then
    local distance = (origin - result.Position).Magnitude
    local p = Instance.new("Part")
    p.Anchored = true
    p.CanCollide = false
    p.Size = Vector3.new(0.1, 0.1, distance)
    p.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(origin, position)*CFrame.new(0, 0, -distance/2)

My assumption is that you’re trying to cast a ray from the enemy towards the player? If so, you need a directional vector, not the instance that you’re trying to point at.

You can find the direction by using this formula:

direction = destination - origin

Also note that you need a length for this direction which can be achieved by multiplying it by how far you want the ray to cast, 50 being 50 studs:

direction = (destination - origin) * 50

So in your case,

local sight = workspace:Raycast(Hostile.Raycastpoint.Position, (Humanoid.RootPart.Position - Hostile.Raycastpoint.Position) * 50, rp)

Nothing happened. (typing extra characters to bypass the min character limit)

Okay, I’ll try that. (more bypassing the min character limit)

That is the solution, Thank you so much!

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