This is my first NodeJS VSCode Extension so please dont tear me apart in the replies, I just wanted to give small hobbyist developers a simple way to store and retrieve data using JSON
Basically it allows you to read and also write to json files through a local web server that uses HTTP requests that is held on your local machine, and it allows you to pick any JSON file from your computer and read and write data too it!
This requires you have to Visual Studio Code installed if you don’t already have it.
Get the extension through the Visual Studio Marketplace:
OR you can also just search it up in your vscode extensions
Once you have the extension installed you can do CTRL+SHIFT+P to open the command pallete and type in RBX and it should autocomplete, then press enter
It will open up this extension tab
Now you cant start the local server without having a JSON file loaded, so click Choose File and then locate the JSON file that you want to use as your database!
Also make sure that your JSON file has some data, dont leave it blank.
I’m just putting in an emtpy table for simplicity purposes!
Now that your JSON file is loaded, you can press that START button to allow your local server to recieve https requests, and press it again to pause the local server!
Now that your local server is up and running and you’ve given it a JSON file to read and write too, now it’s time to setup the roblox side of things (which is really simple)
The url will always be :
Get Request

POST Request

- Simple and fast setup
- No limits (it’s on your local computer :P)
- Allows you to switch JSON files
- Start and Stop functionality
- It’s on your local machine (so technically you can use it for larger games but I advise you not too because, you always have to have your computer open)
- Extension must be open/running through VSCode
- Only supports POST and GET requests (probably might change)
This is more tailored too small hobbyist developers that create small or single-player games that want to setup a super simple database on their local computer with ease, and don’t always need the local server running!
This could also be used for developers who make private / close community games, and want to be able to save and load data from their local machine, and also don’t always need the local server running!
Thanks so much, I put alot of effort into this extension so hopefully someone will find a use for it, if you have any questions or conerns just reply to this thread below!